Halloween approaches us readers! Despite how bad 2020 has been—and it’s been a rough year—Halloween has refused to die and even now people are readying their costumes to get into the spirit of this wickedly fun holiday. Even anime characters occasionally bring out their costumes for their versions of Halloween and we found some of them can be quite amazing!
There aren’t a lot of good costumes in the anime world—there's a whole nother article about that!—but these shows have some truly great costumes. If you want to see how Halloween should be done, then check out these various Halloween themed episode down below!
Djeeeta in the OVA Episode “Jack O’ Lantern” Granblue Fantasy The Animation

Granblue Fantasy The Animation is well known for boasting some truly gorgeous animation—thanks A-1 Pictures and Studio MAPPA—and some well-done fantasy battles. In the OVA episode titled Jack O’ Lantern, the fights were toned down for a bit to focus on Djeeta and her party as they go to a town famous for loving the spooky holiday of Halloween. What they find on this journey is a bit of trouble—due to a child going missing—but that doesn’t stop us from loving the Halloween costumes our girls get into!
While the party of four should get awards for their outfits, Djeeta takes the cake with her impressive witch costume! The strong swordswoman removes her battle attire and dons this witch costume that just makes her look like a completely different person! You get a big round of applause from us here at Honey’s Anime Djeeta, your costume is spot on!
Umaru Doma Dressed as a Werewolf in Himouto Umaru-chan OVA Episode 1
Umaru can be seen in two very different lights. Some fans of Himouto Umaru-chan loving Umaru for her cuteness and the fact that she’s a hardcore gamers/anime viewer. However, some find her mannerisms to be quite…annoying. Regardless of your love/hate for Umaru, we have to give credit where credit is due and that is especially relevant in the OVA episode focusing on a Halloween get together.
Umaru and her friend Kirie Motoba end up getting into the Halloween festivities by dressing up in some costumes. Umaru steals the show—and some fans hearts—with her werewolf costume that makes her look super cute when in normal form and adorable when she shrinks down for comedic effect. Maybe Umaru won’t win any costume awards seeing as how the outfit is quite simple but she wins our hearts over and that’s an award in of itself!
Tamaki Suoh and his Vampire Outfit in Ouran Koukou Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club) Episode 21

Ouran High School Host Club is an older series that even in 2020 is beloved by shoujo fans and comedy fans worldwide. Most of the characters from Ouran have a fan base of some sort but Tamaki Suoh is probably the series’ most famed male lead. Not only do he look handsome but he’s got a coolness many teens wish they had. Even in the Halloween episode, Tamaki surprises us with a simple costume that just increases his coolness!
As the gang all dress up for Halloween, Tamaki dons a vampire costume that just fits his character almost too well. Black cape, red tie, white scarf, and vampire teeth go very well with Tamaki’s design, almost as if he is secretly a creature of the night! We’re pretty sure most girls will say Tamaki can suck their blood and we kind of understand why.
Final Thoughts
We definitely need more anime that mention Halloween but for now, we found some of the best costumes seen from Halloween-themed episodes. Do you think we found all the best Halloween costumes found in anime or did we miss one? Comment below with your thoughts and opinions as we love hearing from you readers! Stay tuned for even more Halloween themed articles from us here at Honey’s Anime!
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