Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)

Hataraku Saibou Black

Comedy, Seinen, Action

Airing Date:
Winter 2021


Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


Every day, rookie red blood cell AA2153 diligently carries oxygen throughout the body.
However, alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and other issues threaten his working environment! In a world that resembles a trading company in disarray, what is going through the minds of these constantly overworked cells? This is the story of your body.

Characters & Voice Actors

Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
Red Blood Cell(AA2153): Junya Enoki

Red blood cells are carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide running throughout the body.
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) (1196): Yoko Hikasa

White blood cells' main mission is removing foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses entering from outside.
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
Red Blood Cell(AC1677): KENN

He is a little mischievous red blood cell and is from the same class as Red Blood Cell (AA2153).
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) (8787): Lynn

She is a junior of White Blood Cell (1196). She always be with White Blood Cell (1212).
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) (1212): Yumi Uchiyama

She is a junior of White Blood Cell (1196). Short hair is her characteristic.
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
Gastric chief cell: Takashi Narumi

Gastric chief cells are helping digest at the stomach. They live in the wall inside the stomach and release pepsinogen.
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)
Hepatocytes: Sarah Emi Bridcutt

Cells that make up 70-80% of the liver. They are handling metabolism and detoxification of substances.
Platelet: Yurika Kubo

Platelets gather in order to stop bleeding when the body's skin is broken.
Narrator: Kenjirou Tsuda

Other TitleCells at Work! CODE BLACK
Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: "Hashire! with Seiya Yamasaki (Kyuuso Neko Kami)" by POLYSICS
  • Ending Song: "Ue wo Muite Hakobou with Red Blood Cells & White Blood Cells" by POLYSICS
”Hataraku Saibou Black” (Manga)
Cells-At-Work-Black Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK)

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Shigemitsu Harada / Issei Hatsuyoshiya / Akane Shimizu
  • Director: Hideyo Yamamoto
  • Script: Hayashi Mori
  • Series Composition: Hayashi Mori
  • Character Design: Eiji Yasuhiko
  • Animation Director: Masahiro Satou / Chiaki Tsukahara
  • Sound Director: Ryo Tanaka
  • Music: Yugo Sugano

(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)