As much as we love naked male bodies resurfacing from the pool with water dripping from their hair, steaming heat splashing with vaporizing sweat is always a welcoming treat. While we cannot take our eyes off of the ten guys chasing, stealing, and throwing a bouncing ball on a basketball court, we are also deeply infatuated with the inexplicable attachment of rivalry and comradeship among the (basket)ball players. And since we need 5 players for a team, 10 players for a game, and more than a dozen games for a seasonal competition, the multitude of men and complexity of relationships among them, are more than what it takes to drive our tender Yaoi/BL minds insane.
In order to get a sense of what the relationships in this (juicy) anime look like, here is an extremely simple illustration plotting out the possible speculations of what the relationships among the characters could be. And again, most of the content in this article is pure Fujoshi hallucination (although we still believe everything is true), with some reference and respect to the original anime.
For the first season of "Kuroko's Basketball", we've only picked out a few more passionate and complex relationships to put them in the chart. This does not encompass all the emotional flows and currents of fascination that are so obviously detectable--through a Fujoshi lens--in the anime. For those who find this chart and the relationship captions bewildering, we have our interpretation of the story below. Read them, and you will never be able to watch "Kuroko's Basketball" the same way ever again. Enjoy!
1st Moment - the life-changing meeting of Kuroko and Kagami (Episode1)
Two students who pose completely opposite in their appearances and demeanor, Tetsuya Kuroko and Taiga Kagami, come to Seirin High School as freshmen. They both joined the school basketball team and soon notice their polarizing differences from each other. The differences turn out to be attraction. Unprecedented attraction (well, not as clearly stated in the anime but there's definitely something going on between them). Kuroko is the one who initiated it. He finds Kagami on a community basketball court one day at night, walks up to him and says, "I am a shadow. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow," he looks Kagami straight into the eye, "you are really strong, and your light is bright. I will be your shadow, and make you the Champion of Japan." So, Kuroko is basically offering himself to Kagami (in aspects we see in the anime, and outside the anime). As the old saying goes: "behind every successful man, there is another successful man (in the world of BL)." At the moment when Kuroko sees Kagami, he decides to be the successful man behind (or underneath) Kagami (what an intense love-at-first-sight).
It's not as clear whether Kagami had the same feeling as Kuroko at that point when they just met, but it's apparently pretty hard to reject the determination of a beautiful boy with milky white skin, soft sky-blue hair, and eyes glowing with great will. Even if he wasn't so sure about his feelings towards Kuroko beforehand, he is definitely (love) struck from this moment on.
Therefore, in the first episode of the first season of "Kuroko's Basketball", the first and eternal couple is born, the shadow and the light--Kuroko and Kagami.
2nd Moment - Love triangle among Kuroko, Kagam, and Kise (Episode 5)
In a practice match between Kaijou and Seirin, Kuroko meets (one of) his admirers in middle school, Ryouta Kise. Kise holds strong feelings for Kuroko, while Kuroko sees him (only) as a good friend (this love is destined to be a dead end). Kise becomes particularly jealous of Kagami and wants Kuroko to leave Kagami and be with him. Kagami beats Kise on the basketball court, announcing his possession of Kuroko (how possessive~!!!....... which is something that exists not in the anime, but in the heads of us Fujoshis).
After the game, Kuroko meets Kise at a nearby park. Kise asks Kuroko, "why did you disappear right after the final game in middle school?" Kuroko's sudden departure back then has apparently caused great pain to Kise. Kise wants Kuroko to come back to him and be by his side. Kuroko tells Kise that he promised to be with Kagami. Kise becomes bitter and wants a clear reason of Kuroko's infatuation with Kagami. Kuroko says, "(in terms of basketball,) Kagami is the most sincere person I know." Kise replies sourly, "the day when he becomes too good (......of what?), and morphs into something else (what exactly is this "something?"), is the day when you part." Kise is referring to Kuroko's ex-boyfriend (now you should be buying into the premise of this article), and Kuroko becomes silent.
The eavesdropping Kagami sees this and breaks into the conversation to take Kuroko away (this guy is real possessive~!). And when Kise sees the interaction between Kuroko and Kagami, he notices that nothing he says will ever bring them apart. Kise finally decides to give up Kuroko (poor thing). However, his adoration for Kuroko remains.
3rd Moment - Kuroko's ex-boyfriend (Aomine) v.s. current boyfriend (Kagami) (Episode14)
Kuroko's ex-boyfriend (this is a Yaoi/BL article, every male has at least, or will have, one boyfriend), Daiki Aomine hears of Kuroko's current boyfriend, Kagami. As in most dramatic relationships, there will always be a "jealous ex-boyfriend," and Aomine seems to be the extra-jealous type. He wants to show Kagami that no one deserves to be with Kuroko, except for himself. With this in mind, Aomine comes to Kagami and challenges him on an one-on-one game. He beats Kagami completely, and says, "your fire is too weak; you do not deserve Kuroko."
Turns out that Kuroko used to be Aomine's shadow in middle school, supporting and guarding Aomine's back. However, as Aomine becomes stronger and more skillful (in basketball), his passion (for basketball) starts to get stained with selfishness, and Kuroko eventually break up with him. Still, Aomine's obsession and sense of possession over Kuroko are already deeply rooted in him. Kagami is also as possessive as Aomine (now we see a pattern of Kuroko's love choices), and as jealous. So the game between Seirin and Touou is basically the fight over Kuroko between Kagami and Aomine.
From the heart of Fujoshi
The basketball court is not only steaming with heat of passion, but also burning with flames of jealousy (relationships are so hard....... sigh.....). And the picture is Kuroko sliding a popsicle down Aomine's collar (they must have already done it!!).
4th Moment - Kagami thrusting a ***** in Kuroko's mouth (Episode 17)
During the game with Touou, Kuroko wants to face Aomine in person and straighten out their relationship. Of course, there is no way the jealous Kagami would let Kuroko anywhere near his ex-boyfriend, even in public. In order to let Kuroko know that he belongs to him, during the intermission in the preparation room, Kagami thrusts a, well, "lemon," that is dripping with "honey," into Kuroko's mouth (if you're wearing your Fujoshi lenses properly, you will definitely be seeing what I am seeing~!!). Kuroko holds the "lemon" in his mouth (how long are you planning to keep that "lemon" in your mouth, dear Kuroko?) and looks up at Kagami with some surprise. Kagami smiles confidently and says, "leave it to me."
From the heart of Fujoshi
There is nothing more that I can say about this scene....... this is way too much to take in.... not only for us dedicated Fujoshi, but also for Kuroko!!
5th Moment -Takao and Midorima sitting in the tub~~ (Episode 21)
I think this scene needs little explanation: Kazunari Takao and Shintarou Midorima are literally naked, sitting in a tub, together. Although visiting public bathhouses and washing your bare bodies together is not uncommon in the Japanese culture, we still like to add some spice to the scene~.
We've left out a brief incident between Kagami and Midorima in the earlier episodes, where Kagami got into an affair with Midorima. This happened during Seirin's match with Shyutoku. Midorima's "extra-long range" shoots have mesmerised Kagami, and Kagami becomes obsessed with Midorima. He and Kuroko just started their relationship back then and Kagami still seemed pretty unsure of what's going on. However, Kuroko was furious about Kagami's yet finalized betrayal and punches him in the face.
So, although Midorima seems to have some sort of affection towards Kagami, he draws back into his safety zone after witnessing the strong connection between Kuroko and Kagami, and eventually starts to settle in with what he has at the moment--Takao.
From the heart of Fujoshi
Kind of a sad story here.... we'll see how things work out for Midorima then. However, settling with a convenient target is really not a good idea, Midorima. Well, same as trying to steal someone else's boyfriend.
6th Moment - (indirect) kiss between Kuroko and Kagami (Episode 22)
As the story progresses, we can see that Kuroko and Kagami's relationship is getting steadier and steadier. Although they've only met for a few months, the interaction between them is like that of an old married couple. After they lost to Touou, the Seirin basketball team went on a training trip. As they were heading back to the train station after the three-day complete workout, Kuroko opens a bottle of water, drinks it, and casually hands it to Kagami. Kagami then casually takes the bottle, drinks from it, and hands it back to Kuroko. After the "lemon & honey" incident, we have the couple casually sharing other types of body fluids (saliva), which for some unexperienced people, might be counted into the imaginary category of "indirect kiss."
However, for us Fujoshi, whether the kiss is direct or indirect, or it's a bottle or something else, we are now 120% sure that Kuroko and Kagami have definitely gone around the whole court and made it back to the "home base."
From the heart of Fujoshi
Yeah, I know this is basketball, but it's always been a baseball metaphor.... or shall we try to use "slam dunk" for this one?.
7th Moment - Kise giving up on his admiration for Aomine (Episode 24)
Although Kise is decisive in ending his unrequited desire for Aomine, the actuality of the heartbreak still struck him pretty hard. He was devastated after the game (well, partly because they lost). Yukio Kasamatsu, Kise's team captain, who has been following Kise's every action and emotion ever since he joined the Kaijou basketball team, walks up to Kise and offers him his shoulder. Kasamatsu is taking their relationship pretty slowly since he knows that Kise is unable to take any more emotional turmoil at the moment. He will be at Kise's side, supporting him tenderly, and waiting for him to recover from all the pain and hurt.
From the heart of Fujoshi
This is so heartbreaking..... Kise really deserves a better relationship and needs to stop being attracted to people who are not that into him (*sigh*).
8th Moment - Kasamatsu reaching out to Kise (Episode 25)
As the story progresses, we can see that Kuroko and Kagami's relationship is getting steadier and steadier. Although they've only met for a few months, the interaction between them is like that of an old married couple. After they lost to Touou, the Seirin basketball team went on a training trip. As they were heading back to the train station after the three-day complete workout, Kuroko opens a bottle of water, drinks it, and casually hands it to Kagami. Kagami then casually takes the bottle, drinks from it, and hands it back to Kuroko. After the "lemon & honey" incident, we have the couple casually sharing other types of body fluids (saliva), which for some unexperienced people, might be counted into the imaginary category of "indirect kiss."
However, for us Fujoshi, whether the kiss is direct or indirect, or it's a bottle or something else, we are now 120% sure that Kuroko and Kagami have definitely gone around the whole court and made it back to the "home base."
From the heart of Fujoshi
Yeah, I know this is basketball, but it's always been a baseball metaphor.... or shall we try to use "slam dunk" for this one?.
This is what we have for the Yaoi/BL moments in "Kuroko's Basketball"!! Let us know what you think!! Especially about Kise's and Midorima's relationships. And share with us your thoughts on the Kuroko-Kagami-Aomine love triangle~~!!!
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