Ring in the new year, right! With all that 2020 has been, everyone probably has a change or two that they would like to see in the coming year. Whether your improvement is getting more fit, enjoying the people and things we have a little more, or just enjoying things the way they are now, relax and start 2021 with these New Year's episodes!
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? (How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift?), Episode 11: How Are You Spending New Years?

How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift, follows the story of a group of girls who all improve their health by going to their local gym! This show is a slice of life comedy that shows high school girls trying their best to make gains at the gym and improve their fitness.
In this episode, the girls go to a temple for New Years' and then decide to work out. With the gym closed, this leaves the group wondering how they can get their exercise without the equipment they need. The girls learn some practices that use the body for resistance, and then they enter the televised New Year's talent show! After a lesson in at-home training, enjoy some impressive feats by these buff beauties!
Konohana Kitan, Episode 12: Miracle on New Year's Eve

This episode opens with the hot spring hotel staff of Konohana Kitan enjoying some of Japan's favorite new year's traditions. With New Year's cleaning, soba noodles, and shrine visits to offer their New Year's prayers, our favorite fox-girls have a lot going on.
On a crowded visit to the shrine, Yuzu gets lost and finds herself someplace unusual. Instead of going to offer her prayers, she finds herself mistaken for one who records and answers them. After a whirlwind of answering New Year's prayers, Yuzu is not entirely sure how to get home! One surprise after another brings Yuzu home to Konohana Kitan and the family there, which she has come to know so well! If you're in the mood for a lighthearted adventure through time and logic, enjoy this episode of Konohana Kitan!
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Episode 11: Year End, New Year! (No Comiket Bit This Time)
Join our favorite dragon girls as they celebrate the new year! Our beloved dragons join Miss Kobayashi in the shopping district, where they win a kotatsu table! Through most of this episode, the Kobayashi residence basks in the warmth of their new kotatsu!
As the maid of the Kobayashi residence, Tohru feels it is her job to "make sure any and all seasonal events are carried out." While Miss Kobayashi finishes up her new year in the workplace, the dragons bask under the kotatsu and think about the mochi they will pound. New Year's curry, soba noodles, neighbor gifts, New Year's cards, kimono wearing, and shrine visits, this cast of dragons are finding all sorts of ways to welcome the new year.
Final Thoughts
Take it easy this holiday season while we coast through the end of the year through 2021. We hope that you have found some episodes to add to your watch list. Do you have other New Year's episodes that should have been included here? Let us know in the comments!
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