What You Need to Know:
- Today, the official website for Ore ga Suki nanowa Imouto dakedo Imouto Janai (My Sister, My Writer) announced that episode 7 will no longer air this week. Instead, it will be delayed to next week and air on Wednesday, November 28th. This also most likely means that all future episodes will be delayed by one week.
- The official website states that it is due to "production issues" and that is the only reason. However, the series has been a trending topic on twitter in Japan since it started airing due to poor animation quality. Recall too, that the first episode of the series was supposed to be revealed early and the reveal was cancelled due to "production issues."
- This has already happened to past anime like Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars in 2016 as well as Marchen Madchen and Beatless earlier this year. Do you think that this series is next to suffer the fate of being pulled off air for poor art quality? Be sure to let us know your thoughts down below!
Source: Official Website

It starts...

Bye Bye!