The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) Reintroduces Habitat, the First Graphical MMORPG

Habitat_cover The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) Reintroduces Habitat, the First Graphical MMORPG

What You Need to Know:

  • The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment also known as MADE, are about to bring back the very first graphical massively multiplayer game titled Habitat which was originally created by Lucasfilm Games back in 1986.
  • Some of these old consoles may not ring a bell to the current generation, but Habitat used to run on Quantum Link, the Commodore 64 online service that would eventually become America Online.
  • Habitat originated many of the terms and paradigms that continue in today’s online games, such as the term 'Avatar' and it also paved the way for a lot of features to be introduced in a video game. The original game also featured disease, murder, in-game currency, pocket mail delivery, scarce objects, “ghosts”- observer mode, and “turfs”- private player homes.
  • According to Alex Handy, founder and director of the MADE, he felt Habitat was way beyond its time and simply couldn't reach the potential it wanted to due to limitations during that time. If you're looking to try this game out, the public alpha of Habitat will begin June 2, 2017, both at the MADE proper, and around the world as the server is brought back online after 30 years. Grab the C64 emulator and grab the source code here!

Source: Official UberStrategist Press Release

Habitat_cover The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) Reintroduces Habitat, the First Graphical MMORPG
Wow we're totally going back in time with this one. 1986..well before any of us were born.
Habitat_cover The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) Reintroduces Habitat, the First Graphical MMORPG
It's really cool to see that even back then, gaming was evolving rapidly and look where it's brought us!

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