WandaVision is the first of many highly anticipated Marvel television series to begin streaming, and halfway through, it’s alrea...
ReadmoreShoujo anime tend to aim for a target audience of younger women, often including romance as a large aspect of the show. However, shoujo can also combine wit...
ReadmoreThe concept of artificial intelligence was once thought as science fiction is now slowly creeping its way to modern society. Google Assistant, Siri, Corta...
ReadmoreJapanese Valentine's Day is celebrated in a rather unique way: women give their love i...
ReadmoreDoukyuusei – Classmates was born as a manga in 2006, by the super-popular and talented Asumiko Nakamura. The sweet love story be...
ReadmoreEve no Jikan—or known by the English name Time of Eve—is a futuristic story that shows androids who have started to become more aware of their lives....
ReadmoreHere’s a question for all of you out there. Have you ever fallen in love—or at least were you under the illusion that you were i...
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