Märchen Mädchen
Anime was not a mistake, only 2018 was. So, with that in mind, let’s look at our favorite animated medium’s 10 most absolute and unadulterated failures fr...
ReadmoreThe isekai genre has continued to grow in popularity over the past few years and it isn’t uncommon for us to get over a dozen isekai series in any given y...
ReadmoreMärchen Mädchen Episodes 11 & 12 to Be Released in December, Other Episodes to Undergo Heavy Editing
What You Need to Know: In cased you missed it, Winter Anime Marchen Madchen was pulled off air after episode 10 due to a very sharp drop in quality through...
ReadmoreTwo words: “Moe Hogwarts.” That kind of sums up the world of Marchen Madchen. Hazuki Kagimura is a quiet girl who would rather s...
ReadmoreMärchen Mädchen Genre: Fantasy, School Airing Date: January 11 2018 Studios: Hoods Entertainment ...
ReadmoreIntroduction Welcome to all of the Fantasy & Supernatural anime that are coming for Winter 2018! What we have done here at Honey's Anime is prepared a preview of these shows for you, the r...
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