Halloween is fast approaching, and that means it’s time to watch some horror anime! Animation may not be as viscerally terrifying as live-action or still im...
ReadmoreHave you ever felt like someone is keeping an eye on you all the time like someone is following you? That’s what a well-written thriller does to you, it tes...
ReadmoreMost otaku start off watching shounen anime and eventually realize there’s more to anime than series like Naruto and Bleach. Aimed at older audiences—usuall...
ReadmoreWe all grew up with anime like Pokémon, Digimon, and Sailor Moon but as we grow older—which all of us otaku do—our taste in anime begins to shift. Series li...
ReadmoreHave you been longing for a mystery anime that tests your sleuthing skills and makes y...
ReadmoreI’m sure for average people in real life, health issues have always been one of mankind’s weaknesses throughout history as it was one of the most paramount factors for us to stay alive. ...
ReadmoreBased on the novel series by Mado Nozaki, Babylon is a political thriller as it portra...
ReadmoreThe great thing about Japanese anime is that it isn’t afraid to explore mature themes. While animated programs from the US such as South Park and Family...
ReadmoreLiving lives characterised by the belief that everything is meaningless, nihilists are numerous in anime and have featured in some fairly dark material....
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