Sonny Boy is an incredibly unique and artistic anime coming to us from the mind of ren...
ReadmoreBased on the manga by Ranjo Miyake, Pet is the story of extraordinary individuals who can enter the memories of others, but thes...
ReadmoreCinephiles, fans of Leonardo DiCaprio, lucid dreamers and most casual moviegoers will be familiar with the 2010 sci-fi film Incep...
ReadmoreSatoshi Kon is legendary, a man whose multiple talents as a director, screenwriter, and artist allowed him to push the anime and film medium in new direct...
ReadmoreDue to the huge number of TV series produced each season, anime tends to be more heavily associated with its episodic content. Due to the rise of streaming ...
ReadmoreWe here at Honey’s Anime decided that, in order to celebrate the announcement of Mitsuo Iso’s new anime, to make a list of simil...
ReadmoreThe Night is Short, Walk on Girl is a modern-day odyssey, as Kurokami no Otome is on a quest to find her beloved childhood story...
ReadmorePerfect Blue is the directorial debut of Satoshi Kon. Like all of Kon's work, Perfect Blue explores the theme of perception: one's perception of self, ot...
ReadmoreOne of the more overlooked and underrated anime movies, Tekkon Kinkreet gives you everything you can ask for, nice visuals based on the art style fro...
ReadmoreThe DC Mini is a device created to help us dive into our dreams. You see, it’s when we are asleep that our unconscious reveals a lot to us, just in t...
ReadmoreEverybody around the world knows of Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Naruto. These animes became popular at the right time for the right reasons out of the h...
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