Plastic Memories
As probably all of you already noticed, drama anime are those dynamic shows which undergo a lot of changes from their starting point, to the end. What we ...
ReadmoreThe concept of artificial intelligence was once thought as science fiction is now slowly creeping its way to modern society. Google Assistant, Siri, Corta...
ReadmoreMany anime leave an impact on us because they tug at our heartstrings. Often, it’s because of the characters that resonate with viewers, and when one of the...
ReadmoreHaven’t you ever seen a series where the main hero or heroine is in danger and feel the pain of seeing them in such dire straits? Wasn’t there a moment ...
ReadmoreAndroids, do they have souls or don’t they? Can artificial creation actually lead to an artificial soul becoming real? These are just a few of the qu...
ReadmoreMany anime dive into war with a sometimes over exaggerated mindset. Rather than tell compelling stories and/or show the emotional scars, anime usua...
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