![End-of-Evangelion-wallpaper-500x440 Top 10 Best Anime Battle/Fights [Updated Best Recommendations]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/End-of-Evangelion-wallpaper-500x440.jpg)
As we have shared before, if you want creative fights in entertainment, Japanese anime has the best there is, the best there was, and the best there’s ever going to be! We’ve done the best mono-e-mono fight scenes, but for this list, we want to take it up another notch and give some shout outs to some fights that are beyond one-on-one. Sometimes, fights can be one group of people against another, or in some instances, it can be one person against a group of people. So, what are some exciting crazy battles that defy the laws of physics and more? Read our list to find out!
10. Asuka Vs. The EVA Series from End of Evangelion
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- Episodes: 1 (feature film)
- Aired: July 19, 1997
After spending sometime in a coma due to having her brains fried in the series, Asuka is hidden in her EVA unit as NERV is getting slaughtered by SEELE. After coming to terms with herself and the loss of her mother, she finds the energy to come out of her coma and make a great comeback as she takes down fighter jets and battleships. Seeing that’s not enough, SEELE sends in their reinforcements with their own personal EVA units, which are AI controlled. Asuka once again demonstrates her matador-like agility with her EVA Unit 02, and has the audience thinking she’s back on the saddle.
However, the EVA units regenerate, power up as they show how their weapons can also replicate the Spear of Longinus, and they attack her unit like a pack of vultures. While Gundam makes you forget that humans are inside a downed mech from time-to-time, due to the organic nature of the EVA units and how they kinetically link to a pilot’s nervous system, and how the units are portrayed eating up the EVA Unit 02 like a carcass when you see Asuka get mauled, you can feel that disturbing pain with her. Evangelion is one of those mech titles that makes you feel the danger and the brutality of combat, and this battle is a perfect example of that execution.
9. The Border World Coliseum from Re:Creators
- Episodes: 22
- Aired: April 8, 2017 – September 16, 2017
What if you could bring characters from anime, games, manga, and light novels to life? Well, that’s what you get when you watch Re:Creators, which spoofs characters from modern Japanese pop culture. What’s great about this anime is how it shows how unlimited the imagination truly is, and because of that, that becomes the greatest weapon in the climactic battle to this insane series. There’s a saying in combat sports that styles make fights, and Re:Creators certainly takes a very crazy spin on that. Thanks to its diverse cast of characters from numerous genres and abilities, you’re promised some insane and creative fight sequences. And did we mention some kick ass music that will get you pumped up like Schwarzenegger?
Due to the near limitless abilities of Altair, the main villain, our main heroes have an insane fight on their hands. But seeing how audiences and their reception can affect the outcome of how a fictional creator can become stronger or weaker, the original creators of the characters who enter the real world collaborate with the government on making the Border World Coliseum to stop Altair once and for all as a crossover promotional event. Try to imagine the Super Bowl, Thrilla in Manila, a Michael Jackson concert, the 1995-1996 Bulls winning the championship and Wrestlemania all put into one event for Japanese fiction, and that’s what you get. Want to see a magical knight against a mech? A wizard against a mech? A dark school girl vs. a bounty hunter? A buxom martial artist against an exorcist? Then watch this anime!
8. Shin Hyuuga Shaing Vs. The W-0 Unit from Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito (Code Geass: Akito the Exiled)
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- Episodes: 5
- Aired: July 16, 2012 – February 6, 2016
In the final battle to Boukoku no Akito, the titular Akito and his teammates have to face Akito’s half-brother, Shin, who joined the noble family of the Britannian Empire. Shin uses his mech that resembles a centaur and thanks to the extra horsepower (no pun intended), it allows him to move with superior efficiency, force and maneuverability in order to coordinate himself against a small squad. He takes out each member’s mech one-by-one, and the fight comes down to Shin and Akito not just fighting in their mechs, but fighting in the snow outside their mechs with swords.
Shin does gain the upper hand in a true duel, but the power of Akito’s friends (or as the Japanese would say, nakama) in a spiritual sense (thanks to Leila’s Geass) do what they can to protect him from a final blow. However, that’s not enough to stop Shin as Jean, one of Shin’s troops, puts herself in harm’s way and takes the final stroke for Akito as she shoots him (ironically, out of love for him). In his final breath, he makes peace with his brother and also returns Jean’s feelings for him in the afterlife.
7. The Season 3 Final Battle from Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)
- Episodes: 49+
- Aired: April 7, 2013 - Ongoing
A majority of the time, the elite troops of the Survey Corps are assigned to fight the titular Titans. What’s great about Attack on Titan is how it truly makes audiences reevaluate who the true enemy is, and that’s our fellow human beings themselves. Not just because Titans are revealed to be humans, but humans as who they are based on their darker nature, as they act on self-interest and for their own power. The execution to the climax of season 3 is a perfect example of how multiple big battles can lead to a great victory. When you watch this fight, you’ll think that the The Battle of the Bastards from Game of Thrones looks like a playground scuffle.
What’s significant about this fight is that it is fought on multiple fronts, but with one ultimate goal. The first victory is thanks to Erwin, who wins the first battle to reclaiming the kingdom was through deception to expose the court as frauds. He didn’t win through a battle of superior forces, but just with superior strategy and wit. Erwin and his team pretend there’s a Titan attack and when the court reveals they don’t care about the people, they expose them as fakes who don’t care about their subjects, giving Erwin and his team justification to act on their coup.
Shortly after, Levi, Mikasa, Armin, and the rest of the Survey Corps go to save Eren and Historia from her father, but Levi’s and Mikasa’s uncle stands in their way. Very rarely do fans get to see people on three dimensional maneuvering gear fight each other, and it does offer something fresh and intense. Then finally, when they face Historia’s father, you see how united the Survey Corps is when they coordinate to not only stop him, but to place Historia as the true queen and establish her as a true leader of the people.
6. The Sports Day Tournament from Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
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- Episodes: 64+
- Aired: April 3, 2016 - Ongoing
Shounen anime are notorious for having tournament arcs, and we don’t mean it in a bad way. As long as you put a new spin to it, you can keep it fresh and unpredictable, it’s all good. As opposed to watching heroes facing villains all the time, you see the students of UA High School compete in a martial arts style elimination tournament to determine who is the best future hero. You see how each character’s quirks match up against each other, and how they creatively have to use them in order to gain the victory. Not only do audiences get to see how creative they can get, you also see how inexperienced some of the characters are, most especially with Izuku.
Though this tournament takes place in the second season, Izuku is still relatively new to his quirk and hasn’t found a way to safely utilize it without severely injuring himself. With Todoroki and Bakugo, it’s more about ego. Bakugo cares more about being number one by beating opponents who give bring their A game, while Todoroki wants to prove that he can win without using the quirk he inherited from his father. Yes, the nature of fighting can be physical, but in this tournament, it gives the story a chance to not only fight with opponents in the spirit of competition, but for the characters to face their own fears and emotions.
5. Biscuit Oliva Vs. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Judo Team from Baki
- Episodes: 26
- Aired: June 25, 2018 – December 17, 2018
Compared to most fights listed, this one is more comedic in tone. Biscuit Olivia is a spoof of the late Sergio Oliva, a former Mr. Olympia who once bested Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding competition. In the roid rage world of Baki, international authorities need his help in apprehending a rag tag group of escaped death row inmates. During a visit to Tokyo’s Police Headquarters, he noticed a group of men practicing Judo and wishes to spar with them (and earn his black belt). Thanks to his amazing physique, he makes easy work of the police. As an inmate himself, he is probably enjoying beating up police officers. Even when he doesn’t know proper technique, he can still gain victories by getting Ippons (or getting the opponent flat on their back) just by merely throwing them. And yes, most of his opponents are black belts.
However, his winning streak comes to an end when he faces a man who escorted him to the police premises, Shibukawa, who not only has a black belt in Aikido, but in Judo as well. Though Shibukawa is in his seventies and is merely a quarter of the size of Olivia, he shatters Olivia’s hand just by gripping it demonstrating that technique will always overcome size. And as a token of appreciation, Shibukawa still awards Oliva his black belt.
4. Team JoJo vs. Kira Yoshikage from JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
- Episodes: 120+
- Aired: October 6, 2012 – Present
If there is one thing is JoJo best known for, it is most certainly its intense fight scenes that are on a combination of acid and steroids. In terms of one-on-one, we already covered Dio Vs. Jotaro, but in addition to that, we have to give it to Team JoJo against Kira Yoshikage. Defeating Kira was a team effort with the combined powers of Jousuke, Rohan, Koichi, Okayasu, Jotaro, Hayato, and Reimi. The fight is insane, bloody, and brutal, but still required wits and strategy when you take into account how it builds up and how it finally ends.
Each participant of Team JoJo contributes to the defeat of Kira so he doesn’t fully exploit the swift, deadly, and unpredictable powers of his Stand. Not only did it take the combined powers of our heroes, but the town of Morioh (with an ambulance incidentally backing up over him) to put an end to Kira’s killing spree. Though it may have taken all of that effort to destroy his body, Reimi helped put an end to his corrupt soul and have him dragged to Hell as the Coup De Grace. The fact this fight goes both physical and spiritual truly shows what is at stake and how intense it gets.
3. El Cid Vs. The Dream Gods from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas – Meiou Shinwa (Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas)
- Episodes: 26
- Aired: June 24, 2009 – July 20, 2011
El Cid as just one man against four gods had no chance in Hell of winning. Even when he has no chance, he still chooses to press on and fight. First, he faces Phantasos, who gives him a tough fight, but still finds a way to defeat him by breaking through his spells (but at the cost of his arm)! However, his fight only just begun as he then takes on more dream gods, Icelus, Oneiros, and Morpheus. Yes, being a Gold Saint means you’re an elite, but that means nothing when you’re up against a team of gods. What makes this fight great is that even though he has a better chance of winning the lottery, he still chooses to fight to save his friends.
If you want to know what it means to have balls of titanium, El Cid’s willingness to fight four gods on his own should tell you enough. Try to imagine a regular guy taking on Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Fedor, and Anderson Silva at once without backing down and that’s what you get with this fight. Even when Tenma eventually comes to help out, the odds of winning were still astronomical! Thanks to the use of Athena’s arrow fired by Sisyphos, El Cid’s best friend, El Cid uses the last of his remaining power to break the arrow into four pieces so he can sacrifice himself and defeat the Gods once and for all.
2. Norris Packard vs. The 08Th MS Team from Kidou Senshi Gundam Dai 08 MS Shotai (Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08Th MS Team)
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: January 25, 1996 – July 25, 1999
The Gundam franchise along with many others in the mech genre love to portray its battles with super speed and high tech weaponry, and fans can agree that’s what makes it cool. However, thanks to the 08Th MS Team installment, fans can get a more realistic feel of mech warfare, and this is best expressed in its climax as the titular team faces a one man from Team Zeon, Norris Packard and his Gouf. What makes this fight unique is how urban and guerrilla tactics are believably applied (and not Rambo or Gary Stu tactics), mostly from Norris’ end of the battle since it’s practically 6 against 1. Since they are fighting on Norris’ territory, his superior knowledge and battlefield experience shines as he uses his familiarity to use hit and run tactics to take out the Guntanks supporting the 08Th MS Team. In the end, the teamwork and coordination of the 08Th MS Team with how they stick to their roles (along with Shiro fighting out of desperation) ultimately give them their hard fought victory.
1. The Tournament of Power from Dragon Ball Super
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- Episodes: 131
- Aired: July 5, 2015 – March 25, 2018
The climactic battle of Dragon Ball Super takes a new turn as the fate of multiple universes are on the line as 10 elite warriors of eight universes take part in a super tournament. And this isn’t just any old one-on-one single elimination style tournament, it’s a team battle royal that combines elements of the WWE’s Royal Rumble and Survivor Series events. Just like in the Royal Rumble, you eliminate your opponent by knocking them off the ring (or knocking them out), and just like in Survivor Series, whatever team is left standing is the winner. Also, flying is not allowed and the two Zenno’s made sure that nobody can!
Through this tournament, viewers are given exposure to characters that are new and familiar. Some fighters are animals, some are a parody of other anime genres like Shoujo, some are a spoof of the hero genre and so on. With everything at stake, everyone brings their A-game. You see new forms of team work you would never see a million years coming, and new transformations. If the final moments of this battle took place outside of this tournament, there is no doubt that Jiren’s ultimate form and Gokuu’s ultra instinct would shatter the universe with their fists colliding. However, thanks to the unexpected combined efforts of Gokuu, Frieza, and Android 17, they come out on top. What also makes this fight number one is how we see how Android 17, who once ruthlessly exterminated innocents, uses his wish as the official winner to bring back the universe’s that were eliminated in the tournament. Last, thanks to Frieza’s assistance, brings him back to life.
Final Thoughts
Stallone once said that a fight tells a story, and anime does a great job of utilizing that saying. As we shared in a previous article, Bruce Lee also shared that a good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. However, some anime fights tend to violate that saying by taking over a hundred episodes, but in some instances that’s ok. Considering we’re dealing with more than just five character fighting at times, there can be some exceptions to the rule. Through a fight, we can learn about a character’s personality and struggles, and how that fight helps them develop. In some, the hero doesn’t have to win. As long as they prove their worth to themselves and inspire, that in itself as a victory. However, when the fate of the world or the universe is at line, got to do what you can to win. So, what are some of your favorite brawls in anime that you feel we missed? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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What makes battles and even a duel with two skilled warriors the best? Of course the scenes must be well-animated with eye-catching set pieces and insane acrobatics, but there is one element that makes these scenes more palpable, more impactful, more meaningful… regardless of animation quality and special effects. What is this secret ingredient? I won’t tell you just yet, but let’s figure out as I list down the top 10 best battles and fights in anime. Oh and yes, SPOILER ALERT!
10. Samurai Champloo: Mugen vs Jin
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The story starts with our protagonist Fuu working in a tea shop and then is abused by a band of samurai. She is saved by a rogue named Mugen and the vagabond Jin and after the two met, all hell breaks lose. After they were caught, Fuu rescues them and in return for her deed, Fuu asks them to travel with her to find "the samurai who smells of sunflowers."
You’ll know the anime will have very good fight scenes in the next few episodes once you see the very first one. Mugen uses a mix of unorthodoxed style of sword fighting with breakdancing using his feet and erratic movements while Jin is uses the more traditional sword arts and use calculated strikes. The fight only lasted a few seconds, but it’s enough to convince you that Samurai Champloo will be a great show to watch.
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09. Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto vs Uchiha Sasuke
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![End-of-Evangelion-wallpaper-500x440 Top 10 Best Anime Battle/Fights [Updated Best Recommendations]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Itachi-Uchiha-Naruto.jpg)
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Uchiha Sasuke, bearing the cursed seal, leaves Konoha to search for Orochimaru. Hot on his tail is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, determined to bring him back even if he needs breaks Sasuke’s body.
This one of the few episodes in the Naruto series with its notable fluid animation and well-choreographed fight, but what makes this special is this is first time the two went all out. Naruto harnessed the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox that proved and Sasuke responded by fully unlocking the Sharingan and utilized the power of the cursed seal given to him by Orochimaru.
The fight isn’t all about which one is the most powerful, but rather the fight is all about the bond the two made during their time training, fighting, and goofing around. Naruto wants Sasuke back and the only way through it is by force. Sasuke said it was to late and he can’t go back, but finally he acknowledged Naruto as an equal.
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08. School Rumble 2nd Term: Harima Kenji vs Hanai Haruki
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Harima Kenji is madly in love with Tsukamoto Tenma, but he doesn’t have the courage to confess. Like the clumsy oaf that he is, his actions have led to many misunderstandings like Tenma is convinced Harima is dating her little sister Tsukamoto Yakumo. To makes matters worse, Hanai Haruki - who has a crush on Yakumo - overheard she is dating Harima. This led the two into bad terms with each other. Harima wants to clear this misunderstanding and Hanai wants to be sure Yakumo is truly dating Harima. They need to fix this and find answers fast.
Enter the school festival. The entire class of 2-C are having trouble deciding on what activity to use in the festival. Half of the class wants a maid cafe while the other half prefers to stage a play. On a deadlock, the class decided to settle it by duking it out in a survival game. The class is divided into two teams and whoever wins the battle will get to pick what activity to use in the festival.
School Rumble loves parody and the survival game is arguably the best with its gloomy atmosphere and violence. Harima and Hanai are on separate teams and like any other epic drama, they’re the only ones left standing and they fight it out on the rooftop with one of the best gun kata battles in a slice of life show. Will Hanai find the answer he’s looking for? He has to defeat Harima first.
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07. Bleach: Zaraki Kenpachi vs Nnoitra Gilga
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Hueco Mundo Arc, Kurosaki Ichigo and the gang is on a rescue mission to save their friend Orihime Inoue from the clutches of Shinigami traitor Sousuke Aizen and his elite band of hollows called the Espada. Around mid-way into the story arc, Ichigo and the gang are getting overpowered by the Espada. All seems lost but in an unexpected twist, the 13 Division Imperial Guards of Soul Society intervened to aide the exhausted gang.
Ichigo escaped death after getting rescued by Zaraki Kenpachi, the most deadly shinigami in the 13 Division. As Ichigo recuperates, Kenpachi sets his sights and clash swords with Nnoitra Gilga, one of the Espada.
A lot of people will say the fight between Ichigo and Grimmjow or the fight between Ichigo and Ulquiorra are well-made and they’re right, they’re very great. However, the best one in the arc goes to Kenpachi and his fight with Nnoitra mainly because this is the first time Kenpachi let loose. Nnoitra is a formidable enemy that managed to injure a shinigami known to absorb any kind of attack like it was nothing. In the end, Kenpachi emerged victorious simply by recalling basic training, and as you know, Kenpachi isn’t really the type who follows sword discipline.
If you’ve been watching Bleach long enough, Kenpachi wasn’t given the time to show off his true power. Either he got lost finding where the action is or is conveniently imprisoned because if he’s around, the entire conflict would have ended in just a few minutes. He’s that powerful. This battle finally showed what he’s capable of and while the animation weren’t that good, the fight showed us what Kenpachi is truly capable of.
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06. Hajime no Ippo - Rising: Makunouchi Ippo vs Sawamura Ryuuhei
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Makunouchi Ippo’s passion for the boxing sport is unrivaled and he won title after title through sheer work and determination. So when he sees a fellow boxer mocking the sport, and injuring those he love, Ippo can’t just idly stand by and must answer back through his fists.
The man in question is Sawamura Ryuuhei, a boxer who specializes in counter attacks. He is a deranged thug with a bad upbringing. He doesn’t respect the sport and he relentlessly destroys his opponents through foul play to the point he ends the careers of any boxer he faces. He’s not in it for the sport, he’s in it to satisfy his bloodlust.
Ippo’s worst type of opponent are the counter punchers, and it’s one of the reason why his coach Kamogawa Genji indirectly refuses Ippo to fight long time rival Miyata Ichirou. Ippo’s signature finishing move the Dempsey Roll can be countered easily and a counter under such momentum of the move will greatly damage Ippo. Sawamura knows this and Ippo knows this.
In the fight, Sawamura underestimated Ippo by shooting cheap shots and using dirty tactics, but as soon as Sawamura realizes the champion’s firepower and rhythm down, he changes mood and fighting stance to take Ippo seriously. Ippo then realized that outside from the dirty tactics, Sawamura is a formidable opponent with lightning-fast fists. The only way to defeat Sawamura is use the Dempsey Roll, but Sawamura is aware of this and he’s ready to deliver a deadly counter punch. Ippo must evolve the Dempsey Roll if he wants to win this fight.
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05. Slam Dunk: Shohoku vs Shoyo-Ryonan
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Team Shohoku, for the first time, joins the Inter High Tournament where schools around Japan compete for the championships. When the rest of the team went to training before joining the Inter High Tournament, Shohoku coach Anzai Mitsuyoshi asked basketball “genius” Sakuragi Hanamichi to remain for a special training. Coach Anzai explained that this training will improve Hanamichi like never before.
Before they head out to the shinkansen (high speed bullet train), district rivals Shoyo and Ryonan arrived at the Shohoku gym for a farewell. What happened instead is they propose a final practice match between district qualifier Shohoku and the combined might of team Shoyo-Ryonan. If they win this practice match, then Shohoku is truly worthy as contenders in the Inter High, and if they fail, they will not succeed in attaining championship.
Shoyo-Ryonan, with ace player Akira Sendou is the most formidable team Shohoku has ever faced. The match is fierce and difficult with Shohoku losing. Even Shohoku’s ace Kaede Rukawa is having trouble with Sendou on his back. All seems lost, but Shoyo-Ryonan failed to realize that Hanamichi has a trick up his sleeve.
This is a great last battle between Shohoku and rivals Shoyo and Ryonan. The rival teams are giving it all and show Shohoku that the Inter High is a whole new level they have yet to realize. If Shohoku loses, they might as well give up. From a simple practice match to a grueling initiation right Shohoku must overcome.
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04. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Team Dai-Gurren vs The Anti-Spirals
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Lordgenome, the ruler of the beastmen and dictator of the Earth’s surface was finally defeated all thanks to the efforts of Simon Jiha with his mech called the Gurren Lagann, Lordgenome’s own daughter Nia Teppelin and the Team Dai-Gurren. Before the ruler of the beastmen takes his last breath, he warned Simon that a far greater evil will arrive once man reaches to the skies.
A few years later, humans finally populated the planet, co-existed with the beastmen and relative peace has attained. Simon has grown into a fine young man and confessed his feelings to Nia and the rest of the Dai-Gurren had moved on with their lives. One of the team members Rossiu Adai sent a space probe to the moon, an unknown power had appeared and laid waste on the capital city. Nia was suddenly transformed and became the messenger of the Anti-Spirals. It is then revealed that the Anti-Spirals are controlling the very universe by limiting Spiral energy, an energy source that beings like humans are capable of using.
The Anti-Spirals took Nia and it’s up to Simon and Team Dai-Gurren to save not only Nia, but also the entire universe. After a series of hard fought battles and a sacrifice of a close friend, Simon and the entire team attained near omnipotence thanks to Simon’s innate ability to produce huge amounts of Spiral energy. Simon and Team Dai-Gurren combined all of their spiral energy to form Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, a galaxy-sized mech to fight against the Granzeboma, the Anti-Spiral’s menacing mech of equal size.
Not only the fight is arguably the biggest in anime history (I mean, two galaxy-sized mechs fighting on top of galaxies), it’s also a battle for beliefs. It’s easy to paint the Anti-Spirals as the bad guy, but in fact, they sacrificed their very being and devoid themselves of evolution because they believe that Spiral energy will ultimately bring the end of the universe. On the other hand, Simon believed that Spiral energy can be used for good and will not bring about the end of everything when they’re in the hands of the right people. It is also one of the most intense battles in recent memory that is guaranteed to get your adrenaline pumping. If you never had any manly tears in your life, then Gurren Lagann will make you.
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03. Vision of Escaflowne: Van Fanel vs Dilandau Albatou and the Dragonslayers
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After the relentless attack of the Zaibach Empire, the Duke of Freid died in combat, and the kingdom fell. Hitomi Kanzaki, the girl from the Mystic Mood, Van Fanel, a boy with Draconian blood and the king of Fanelia that was destroyed by Zaibach, and the dashing knight Allen Schezar fled the kingdom, only to be chased again by the bloodthirsty Dilandau Albatou and his Dragonslayers.
Before the fall of Freid, Hitomi indirectly taught Van on how to use his mech Escaflowne using his mind. Van successfully mastered the ability that he can move Escaflowne like it was his own body. It came with the price, however: If Escaflowne gets injured, so does he. After the battle, Van is in severe pain, his wounds won’t heal. Thanks to the wise thinking of merchant-scholar Dryden Fassa, they were able to summon a race of engineers from the sky and fixed Escaflowne, healing Van.
Not before long Dilandau finally caught up to them and before the nomadic race leaves, they warned Van that his Draconian blood will have adverse side effects when using Escaflowne. Ignoring the warnings, Van descends down with Escaflowne to fight Dilandau and the Dragonslayers all by himself.
The battle itself is very intense albeit one-sided. Van destroyed everyone due to rage and the fact that it was Dilandau who destroyed Fanelia and murdered his allies. It’s hard to describe the battle, but one thing’s for sure, the music titled Epistle sets the murderous mood of the battle.
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02. Gundam SEED: Kira Yamato vs Rau le Creuset
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The war between the Earth Forces and ZAFT has escalated in space, determined to wipe each other out. The Earth Forces (Naturals) attempted genocide by firing hundreds of nuclear missiles to ZAFT’s (Coordinators) civilian space colonies called PLANTs, and ZAFT counterattacked by revealing their Death Star-like super weapon GENESIS and destroyed the Earth Forces’ moonbase. After both sides revealed their hand, Kira Yamato, Athrun Zala, and Lacus Clyne, and the rest of the freedom fighters intervened and tries to stop mass murder.
Little do the Naturals and Coordinators know that this war is just a backdrop to Rau le Creuset’s plan to destroy humanity. One of the ZAFT’s elite soldiers, Rau le Creuset pulled the strings from both sides and used their hatred of each other to his advantage. The final pieces are in place.
Rau pilots the Providence Gundam, a massive death machine with multiple remote controlled laser turrets he can use to fire in any direction. He entered the final phases of the war not to stop it, but to make sure both sides kill each other. Standing in his way is a young coordinator boy named Kira Yamato and his Freedom Gundam.
The battle between the two determines the fate of humanity and Rau is one of the most relentless and deadly opponent Kira has ever faced. The Providence Gundam has the edge thanks to its assortment of weapons including a ton of remote controlled laser turrets that detach from the main body. Imagine trying to get rid of a moving bee nest while dodging the stings of the bees swarming around you. Eventually Kira emerged victorious, but was an inch closer to death.
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01. Cowboy Bebop: Spike Spiegel vs Vicious
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The elders of the Red Dragon crime syndicate was assassinated by Vicious and is now the leader. Vicious orders are to eliminate former syndicate members Spike Spiegel and including Spike’s lover Julia. As the two tries to escape, Julia was shot dead in the crossfire. Spike escaped back to the Bebop to not only see his comrades, but also to say one final goodbye to them.
Spike grabbed all his gear and enters the syndicate’s main building to exact revenge on his own. When reaching the top floor, Spike finally encounters his former comrade Vicious and the two battle to the death.
Spike had lost the person he hold dear and he wants to end it all by killing Vicious. The fight only lasted for a few seconds and eventually Spike emerged victorious, but fatally wounded. The final battle with Vicious may not be the most flashiest fight in the list, but it finally made Spike realize that he is truly alive, and not just in a bad dream. What’s next is the most heart-breaking scene in all of anime.
And there you have it, the top 10 best battles and fights scenes in anime. Sure there are more well-animated or well-choreographed battles, but flashiness isn’t everything. A flashy battle against a group of nameless thugs may look nice, but it lacks that purpose as to why that particular battle happened.
![End-of-Evangelion-wallpaper-500x440 Top 10 Best Anime Battle/Fights [Updated Best Recommendations]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Cowboy-Bebop-captcha-500x316.jpg)
A generic or simple-looking fight scene will turn into something memorable, something special if there is a story behind it. This is the message of this article. It doesn’t matter the fight only lasts for a few seconds or a few episodes, any fight is great when the story behind them is great.
So what do you think of this list? Do you have a memorable fight scene in anime? Please share them with us!
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