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Then there’s high-school student Hiro Shishigami, who was also involved in the accident and starts using the powers he received as he wishes.
Is the true nature of humans good or evil? These two who have gained great powers start to move according to each of their feelings.
Three Episode Impression
This show is what we expected and more. Though, Inuyashiki doesn’t really need to sing each time he wants to transform his body. It is slowly building and right after Hiro murders a whole family, Inuyashiki confronts him, and Hiro realizes that he has a rival. The viewer is subjugated to all of these emotions where you just want to leap through the screen and give Hiro and Inuyashiki’s family a smack down, but it seems as if we are just going to have to wait a little bit longer for Inuyashiki to do it himself. A must watch this season hands down.
Characters & Voice Actors List
Ichirou Inuyashiki
Voice Actor: Fumiyo Kohinata
A businessman with white hair and so many wrinkles he doesn’t look like he’s 58 at all. One day, when walking his dog Hanako, he’s involved in a UFO crash and is reborn with a mechanical body. Having lost his human body, he starts to dedicate his energy to helping people in order to feel alive.
老年を迎える冴えないサラリーマン・犬屋敷壱郎は、会社や家庭から疎外された日々を送っていたが、ある日突然、医者からガンの宣告を受けて自暴自棄になる。https://t.co/MJP4UrGjsA#inuyashiki#noitamina pic.twitter.com/pggTfWSKM7— TVアニメ「いぬやしき」公式 (@inu_noitamina) December 16, 2016
Hiro Shishigami
Voice Actor: Nijirou Murakami
A high-school student who lives with his mother. He has a dual nature in that he worries about his mother and his childhood friend Andou more than anyone, but is completely apathetic when it comes to other people. Involved in the same incident as Inuyashiki, he also gains a mechanical body, but instead commits crime after crime in order to feel alive.
一方、同じ事故に遭遇した高校生・獅子神皓は、手に入れた力を己が思うがままに行使し始めていた。https://t.co/MJP4UrGjsA#inuyashiki#noitamina pic.twitter.com/BYo51lksX1— TVアニメ「いぬやしき」公式 (@inu_noitamina) December 16, 2016
Naoyuki Andou
Voice Actor: Kanata Hongou
Naoyuki is the childhood friend of Hiro and the only person Hiro will open up to. His nickname is the chinese reading of his kanji, ‘Chokko’. Because he is so kind, he is teased by his classmates and starts to shut himself off from the world. However, since he feels that he needs to stop Hiro from running out of control with his mechanical body, Naoyuki teams up with Ichirou Inuyashiki to stop him.
そんな安堂を演じる本郷さんからのコメントも到着!一部抜粋してご紹介します!#inuyashiki pic.twitter.com/aZa99bQ1yq— TVアニメ「いぬやしき」公式 (@inu_noitamina) September 1, 2017
Mari Inuyashiki
Voice Actor: Sumire Uesaka
Mari is Inuyashiki’s daughter and a classmate of Shishigami and Ando. In contrast with her attractive figure and good looks, she thinks of her aging father as a burden. Her dream is to become a manga artist.
全文はこちら→ https://t.co/nXtPjEcapJ#inuyashiki pic.twitter.com/zeKOOtvtST— TVアニメ「いぬやしき」公式 (@inu_noitamina) September 21, 2017
Shion Watanabe
Voice Actor: Sumire Morohoshi
Shion is Ando and Shishigami’s classmate, and lives together with her grandmother. Due to her characteristically frizzy hair, she is teased by her classmates. However, when she sees Shishigami stand up for Ando who is being bullied, she starts to have feelings for him.
「キャストの皆さんのお芝居がとても自然体でリアルです。そのお芝居と特殊な世界観とが合わさることで、不思議な世界観が出来上がっています。」一部抜粋しています。全文はこちら→ https://t.co/nXtPjEcapJ#inuyashiki pic.twitter.com/er4dy1glAk— TVアニメ「いぬやしき」公式 (@inu_noitamina) September 21, 2017
Episodes | 11 |
Theme Songs |
Adaptation | Manga |
Main Staff |
For more information: Official Website |
(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)
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