Less Rage, Even More Retsuko!
- Episodes : 10
- Genre : Slice of Life, Comedy
- Airing Date : June 2019
- Producers : Fanworks
Contains Spoilers
Aggretsuko 2nd Season Introduction and Story
Netflix has once again brought us into the world of Retsuko and her friends, and it almost feels as if we had never left! Retsuko is just beginning to feel good about herself again when her mother appears and insists on setting her up with a few different eligible men. To get her mother off her case, Retsuko decides to get her driver’s license, giving her even more of a busy schedule. At the same time, she is put in charge of the newcomer at work named Anai, who is not as bright and cheerful as he seems at first… Retsuko does manage to get past their differences eventually thanks to Kabae and her motherly nature.
While things are settling down at work, Retsuko discovers that the guy she likes from driving school is none other than Tadano, the rich CEO of an AI company! Retsuko and Tadano end up dating but Retsuko finds out Tadano doesn’t believe in marriage and doesn’t want a family. Retsuko begins to question her own dreams in life and where she wants to be. In the end, she decides to break it off with Tadano, in the hopes that one day she will get to be a wife and mother to her own family.
1. Relatable and Meaningful
Aggretsuko’s second season provides even more drama than its first, with Retsuko’s love life once again being a big factor. Her questions about her dreams for the future hit home for a lot of people around the same age, as the day-to-day grind of work often distracts people from their big dreams. At the same time, Tadano’s contrast in living against the norms of society seems like it should be every person’s dream, though Retsuko soon discovers she likes her life just the way it has been.
2. New Levels of Comedy
Anai joins the cast and brings in plenty of hilarious moments, as Retsuko, Haida, and even Tsunoda attempt to deal with his unusual nature. As always, the animation used in character design is what really sells the comedy. With each character having their unique personality and ways of expressing themselves, their antics seem far more realistic and, therefore, funny!
3. Side Characters Matter
Just as in the previous season of Aggretsuko, the side characters are able to have their own spotlight from time to time. Kabae, a previously obnoxious character, has a more human side shown as she helps Anai find his place in the accounting department. Once again, Director Ton has a heart-to-heart with Retsuko that changes her perspective on the workplace. We love that even characters that start out with very little likability are able to be seen as something more in the end!
1. Set for Certain Age Group
It’s true that Retsuko and her friends are adorable little animals. However, it is also apparent that the content of Aggretsuko is clearly aimed at young adults in the workforce, as those who can relate with what Retsuko is going through. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though the show obviously doesn’t appeal to many younger viewers. We would hope that everyone could grow to love Retsuko’s story! Yet, with the way it is targeted, it doesn’t seem like a story that everyone easily would.
2. Still Provides Few Answers
Aggretsuko likes to ask big questions through Retsuko’s dilemmas, ones about the future, dreams, or even the meaning of life! Though Retsuko does come to some conclusions about her own life, we are left feeling a bit empty from the abrupt ending she provides us with. The big questions are asked and then we are left with almost no answer—which, we suppose, is the way that life actually is in the end.
Final Thoughts

Aggretsuko’s second season impressed us once again in its execution. Though we were a bit let down by the lack of firm answers for the ending and can see how much the show is targeted at one group, we really enjoyed how funny and relatable the story and its characters are. We already can’t wait to see what Retsuko will do next!
Have you watched Aggretsuko yet? What are your thoughts on the series? Comment below to share what you think!
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