Ecchi Arcade Goodness! Mangaka : Okushou (story), MGMEE (art) Publisher : Ecchi, Romance, Comedy, Seinen Genre : Seven Seas Entertainment...
ReadmoreThe Dashing Jeweler Who Solves Your Mundane Mysteries Mangaka : Tsujimura, Nanako (Story); Akatsuki, Mikka (Art) Publisher : Seven Seas G...
ReadmoreOtome Isekai, But Not As You Know It Mangaka : Tenichi (story) Bunko Matsuura (Art) Suzunosuke (Character Designs) Publisher : Shoujo, Fantasy...
ReadmoreAction is by far the most popular genre in manga. There’s as much variety of stories and action sequences out there as there are stars in the arctic sky. ...
ReadmoreIf there’s any trope truly unique to manga, it has to be the harem trope. Take a romantic-comedy setup and double or triple the number of beautiful girls gu...
ReadmoreLast month’s manga moment was a bit of a sad one, and the same is true for the month of March. Magu-chan: God of Destruction ended last month, and this ti...
ReadmoreDr. STONE has had a good run. But like any good thing in life, our beloved manga series has come to an end. Interestingly, it concluded after exactly reaching i...
ReadmoreTeasing Master Takagi-san is a heartwarming story about a girl named Takagi who always teases and pranks her crush, a shy boy named Nishikata. More often ...
ReadmoreAs the name suggests, Main Characters are designed to be the center of the story. After all, it is a story about them, so it makes sense for them to take ...
ReadmoreLeadale no Daichi nite (In the Land of Leadale) offers a slow, steady life filled with unsuspecting fun and adventures. It’s a s...
ReadmoreAnime has taught us many things in life. Harems—as great as they may sound—would be more of a headache than not. Being able to r...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Minori Suzuki has announced that she will be releasing her 6th single “BROKEN IDENTITY” on June 1, 2022. The title song is the opening t...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: During the Nao Toyama Birthday Celebration ~Naobou is quitting the 20s~ held at EX THEATER ROPPONGI, it was announced that Nao Toyama wi...
ReadmoreHigh School Fantasy Turned Nightmare! Mangaka : KINUGASA Syougo (Story), ICHINO Yuyu (art), TOMOSESHUNSAKU (character design) Publisher : Seve...
ReadmoreToday, Yui Makino released her new digital single “Touch of Hope.” What You Need to Know: “Touch of Hope” is the theme song of The Girl from the O...
ReadmoreAnother Round For the Persona Users Game Info: System: PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Publisher: SEGA Developer: Arc System Works, ATLUS Release Date: Marc...
ReadmoreGrow Up, But Don’t Give Up What You Love Mangaka : Aoi Mito Publisher : Kodansha Genre : Comedy, Romance, Shoujo Published : March...
ReadmoreFutsal is such an interesting sport, basically a distilled version of soccer in an indoor arena with more emphasis on speedy reactions and technical skill...
ReadmoreThe hotly anticipated Jujutsu Kaisen 0, a prequel movie for the monstrously popular shounen anime Jujutsu Kaisen, is finally releasing in U.S. theaters this week! W...
ReadmoreEcchi anime has had a controversial last few years with titles such as Interspecies Reviewers airing in Winter 2020 and Redo of Healer airing in Winter 20...
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