Asa da yo! Kaishain Short Anime to Air April

kaishain-560x315 Asa da yo! Kaishain Short Anime to Air April

What You Need to Know:

  • A new short comedy anime has been announced for this spring, titled Asa da yo! Kaishain (It's morning! Shellfish workers.)
  • Kaishain started as part of an interval animation collaboration between Toho Cinemas and DLE titled Character Battle Club, and received particular popularity for its parody of company employees behaving badly.
  • The TV anime series will start on April 4, with episodes each being a minute long. The first visual can be found below, alongside one of the interval animations!
kaishain-560x315 Asa da yo! Kaishain Short Anime to Air April

Source: Akiba Souken

kaishain-560x315 Asa da yo! Kaishain Short Anime to Air April
Haha what is this?! Salaryman shellfish?!
kaishain-560x315 Asa da yo! Kaishain Short Anime to Air April
And then they get cooked?! There really are some random shorts coming up this spring!

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