Throughout the long history of anime, we have seen numerous otaku characters within the shows themselves. There are whole series based on anime otaku culture....
ReadmoreThis season boasts a whole bunch of great anime. From terrifying little girls to adorable supernatural ones, you can find any ge...
ReadmoreWhile 2016 may have been a relative dumpster fire of a year, in terms of anime we had pretty good pickings. From muscle-bound magicians to a classic man...
Readmore君の名は。SPECIAL SHOP@大丸心斎橋店、本日からスタート‼️ 北館B1Fでの開催です✨ 大阪の会期は17日(火)までと短めですのでお早めにお越しくださいm(__)m また本日からは福岡PARCOでもSPECIAL SHOPがスタートしていますよ〜 詳細は↓
Readmore The Pokémon craze has been going strong for 20 years, and with the new release of Pokémon Sun and Moon we...
ReadmoreWith the release of the new Ghost in the Shell movie quickly approaching, classic sci-fi anime are coming back into fashion. Break out the old Armitage VHS tapes, those Escaflowne sound ...
ReadmoreLive action revivals of animated classics are becoming quite the trend lately. With the upcoming release of Fullmetal Alchemist, and the recent relea...
ReadmoreSaitama is embracing the otaku culture with its newest event AnitamaSai. This is an annual event held by Saitama Prefecture most recently on October 9th, ...
ReadmoreIn anime, we get to see an amazing amount of magical girls that are cute and adorable and always save the day. But what about the witches in anime? The ...
ReadmoreAnime has managed to become a fundamental part of most of my relationships since I hit 13. I think it can end up being that way for a lot of people. They ...
ReadmoreWe are only several episodes into one of the biggest new BL obsessions, Yuri!! On Ice, and still we want more! When Yuri Kat...