During its heyday, the show Lost was a TV sensation. The show was a convention-bending blend of several genres, mixing a surviva...
ReadmoreKnights are valiant, chivalrous warriors in the service of a cause greater than themselves. Whether its defense of country and crown, dispensing justice...
ReadmoreIn spite of (or perhaps because of) their ruthlessness, brutality, cunning, and utter lack of empathy, the murderous villains of anime are often incredi...
ReadmoreThe inclusion of gods in anime offers a lot of thematic flexibility for our favorite shows. Because the interpretation of deities varies greatly from cu...
ReadmoreIt’s hard to resist the excitement and allure of a city; there’s always something new to discover, whether it’s a favorite new restaurant, a seedy bar per...
ReadmoreA White Knight is a well-worn television trope, even in anime. They are chivalrous above all else, acting first and considering the consequences later, sometimes in spite of their better...
ReadmoreIf there’s one thing otaku are known for, it’s their unending enthusiasm towards the medium that best captures their respective interests. Whether it’s idol groups, game developers, a cert...
ReadmoreIn the present day, castles are rightly regarded as national treasures in the countries lucky enough to have them, because they are relics of their rich cultural history. In anime, they ...
ReadmoreFor those of us who watch anime or read manga, those of us who love Japanese videogames, those who enjoy J-Pop or idols, or frequent Japanese culture-related websites, the term otaku feels...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 12 Genre : Action, Fantasy, Romance, High School, Ecchi Airing Date : October 2015 – December 2015 Produ...
ReadmoreBecause of its pace-making modernity, especially in depictions in anime, it’s sometimes easy to forget exactly how important long-standing yearly traditions are, on a cultural an...
ReadmoreHigh School Star Musical, known fondly as Star-Myu by devotees, is a musical anime set at the prestigious and competitive Ay...
ReadmoreThe relatively new anime Heavy Object takes place in Alaska, in a future where mankind developed massive war machines. These...
ReadmoreLast time, we spent some time discussing the differences between two of Japan’s most iconic types of pop culture and media; anime and manga, respectively. The purpose of the previous artic...
ReadmoreSpace Brothers The cold void of space is a well-worn setting for some of our favorite anime, and it’s easy to see why. Mankind’s desire to traverse the galaxy, as well as our increasi...
ReadmoreAs temperatures fall and the leaves start to change colors, the only thing most of us have to show for our summer vacation, besides our fading tan lines and considerably lighter wallets,...
ReadmoreBoth manga and anime are huge cultural pillars in Japan, having given rise to various types of sub and pop cultures, and are obviously equally large cultural exports. While they have a somewhat...
ReadmoreWe’ve all had jobs we dreaded going to, whether because of the humdrum nature of the job, or because of unappreciative coworkers, but most specifically because of incompetent, schmoozy b...
ReadmoreFor as long as I’ve been able to view it, anime has had an important role in my life. I remember waking up early in elementary school, eating cereal right out of the box, nothing but the blu...
ReadmoreKnights of Sidonia is an anime that deals with a lot of mature themes and subject matter, often existential (and somewhat sexual) in nature. The future real...
ReadmoreCampione! is interesting for a lot of reasons. It draws heavily on religious and mythological influences from multiple cultu...
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