Bone Collection - A Promising Chick in the Supernatural World

Bone Collection - A Promising Chick in the Supernatural World
  • Mangaka : Jun Kirarazaka
  • Publisher : Shounen Jump
  • Genre : Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Shounen, Supernatural
  • Published : April 2020

Introduction (No Spoilers)

Just the thought of a spooky ghost lingering around our bedroom at 3 in the morning (yes, there is an exact time for this), keeps our skin crawling. In a way, we could say that we do love seeing these supernaturals get exorcised. On the other hand, we also understand not all of them are evil. After all, we’ve written a lot about friendly neighborhood ghosts, spirits, and demons. Yeah, we’re talking about Nezuko.

Kazami Jinai lives in a world where yokai demons are known and taken matter of factly. In this world, exorcists are a common sight. If there is a terrible yokai sighting, then an exorcist is bound to appear. There are two ways to become an exorcist: belong to one of the five exorcist families or have good exorcist aptitude and pass the rigorous exam. Kazami belongs to the former type. He is an exorcist who can only use one spell; a forbidden one at that.

Contains Spoilers

Discussion Time

Some people are amazing with what they do, while others are what people call Jacks of all trades. What people forget is that there are also those who are neither of those. Those people who just seem to not have a talent in anything. Kazami Jinai seemed to be like that. The only spell he knows how to use is a spell that may end up with his soul turning into yokai. Knowing that he still used it on the verge of death. In his defense, he is dying and literally has no other choice. He does get a weird looking but extremely powerful weapon, and in addition to that, he gets to exorcise that yokai’s ass.

Why You Should Read Bone Collection

1. There’s a Touch of Green

Since Kazami is still in his puberty, the series, or at least the pilot, has some funny green bits. It goes from the usual nosebleed at the mere mention of cup sizes to some plot feels, if you catch our drift. The story has enough green jokes and scenes to give us a chuckle, but not too much to make us cringe and drop the series. It’s kinda like that perfect ratio of salt and pepper.

2. An Identity That’s Not Hidden

Unlike most supernatural manga out there, Bone Collection starts with the main character already knowing what he can and cannot do. He is not merely dragged into this weird world that the mortal world has no inkling about. It’s a breath of fresh air to actually see an exorcist that is known for being an exorcist. Heck, Kazami was even excused in class for needing to head out and exorcise a yokai.

3. It Has Good Potential

The series has literally just got serialized. That could both be a good thing and a bad thing, however, we’re putting it on the good side. Despite literally just starting, we’ve already got ourselves rooting for somebody. In addition to that, the series has also introduced a possible love triangle which we can’t wait to see unfold. Of course, that is on top of the yokai exorcising actions and, hopefully, some cute yokai friends. But, don’t count too much on the last part though.

Why You Should Skip Bone Collection

1. It’s Very New

As we’ve pointed out above, the series has just gotten serialized. On top of probable downfalls along the story, there is still only one chapter to read. We understand that being cliffhung and needing to wait week after week could be quite a hassle. If this is not your kind of thing, then maybe waiting for the chapters to pile a bit is a good option.

2. The Plot Could Be Very Obvious

The series only has one chapter as of the moment. With that single chapter, it has already introduced the forbidden spell, why it was forbidden, who the strange girl is, and Kazami’s possible love interests. Putting all of these plot points on the table, there could be little to no surprises left for the readers. Well, that is if the author only decides to half-ass the entire series.

Final Thoughts

Bone Collection can be considered as a chick that is just starting to hatch. There is no way to know whether or not it will become a manga that will keep us on the edge of our seats. However, it definitely does have the potential to be a good one. It’s still too early to predict its course, but giving it a chance won’t do any harm. At the very least, the openness of the yokai is a breath of fresh air in the secret world of supernaturals.

BONE-COLLECTION-wallpaper-1-700x280 Bone Collection - A Promising Chick in the Supernatural World


Author: Christian Markle

I am a copywriter, proofreader, and editor. I love watching anime, reading manga, and writing my own stories. Watch out in the future as you may see one of my works one day. Manga and anime were big parts of my childhood. I grew up watching Yu Yu Hakusho, Slam Dunk, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z. Those were probably one of the happiest and most carefree days of my life. In fact, most of my values are probably molded by manga. No, that's not an exaggeration.

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