What You Need to Know:
- After the big announcement at EVO that DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT would get a beta release, the stadium erupted with excitement. Now fans can be even more elated because Square Enix has announced that the closed beta will run from Friday, August 25th (9 p.m. Pacific) through Sunday, September 3rd (9 p.m. Pacific) on the PlayStation®4.
- Players in North and Latin America have until Sunday, August 20th (11:59 p.m. Pacific) to register online for a chance to participate in the Closed Beta Test by clicking here. Selected applicants will receive an e-mail containing more information.
- Furthermore, fans can look forward to the Blitzball legend and FINAL FANTASY X antagonist Jecht, who will be making his debut in the game when it releases next year. He will not be playable in the closed beta so for now just enjoy his handsome photo in our article. Look forward to 2018!
Source: Official Press Release

Get ready for the nex--wait wrong game. It's time to fight!

This game is still really popular in Japan. Go to the arcades in Akiba and everyone is grinding away trying to level up.
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