The 1990s was a magical time for Shoujo anime and manga. In addition to the internationally acclaimed Sailor Moon, another big Shoujo title of the time wa...
ReadmoreThe prevalent Slice of Life genre can often be cited as a popular favorite whenever the question “what kinds of anime do you like?” is asked. Slice of Lif...
ReadmoreThe worlds of heaven and hell couldn’t be farther apart, yet they both have the same idea: send their teenage angels and demons to the human world when ...
ReadmoreBetween the late-1960s and early-1970s, the martial arts genre in both cinema and television came in with a flying kick on an international scale. Many of...
ReadmoreAfter several cold, dark months (at least here in Tokyo!), spring is right around the corner. Sure, the winter weather was the per...
ReadmoreFor anyone who grew up playing JRPGs and action games, it’s hard not to associate Sony with video games. However, the franchises that made Sony a househol...
ReadmoreWith the release of a countless array of titles from the likes of Outlast, Amnesia, and Capcom’s more recent Biohazard 7 title, the horror genre seems to ...
ReadmoreOnihei Genre: Action, Historical, Crime, Seinen Airing Date: January 10 2017 Studios: Studio M2 Hone...
ReadmoreMagical Girls vs Flowers Genre : Drama, Magic, Romance, Shoujo Original Airing Date : Dec. 1993 US Theatrical Premiere : Jan. 2017 Studios : Toe...
ReadmoreWith the release of the new Ghost in the Shell movie quickly approaching, classic sci-fi anime are coming back into fashion. Break out the old Armitage VHS tapes, those Escaflowne sound ...
ReadmoreIn 2016’s edition to the iconic mecha series, Macross Delta tells the story of how the people of the planet Windermere are rebelling against the United Space Front for their independ...
ReadmoreYum Yum Yum! It’s time to cook! That’s right everyone! Once again this week, we are bringing you eat like your anime faves where we show you how to make fantastic recipes at the drop of a hat! Som...
ReadmoreMeow~ Purr~ They are quirky, adorable, and awesome! Yup! We can’t deny the power of fluff that cats radiate towards us. That’s why it’s not at all surpr...
ReadmoreGate hit the airwaves and the internet July 4th of last year, and did it with a bang. The clever story begins with a mysterious portal opening in the mo...
ReadmoreIt´s time to go to the old American way of life! The decade is 1930, and we are in the middle of a period known as the Prohibiti...
ReadmoreHey everyone! It's been quite a while hasn't it! Welcome back to “eat like your anime faves,” a series where we teach you just how to eat like characters do in anime. That’s right; you learn how t...
ReadmoreFan-service will always be a part of anime. There have been numerous ways how to give fan-services to us viewers and one of these is the well known shirtl...
ReadmoreSword of the Stranger is an animated film that would honestly surprise you, even if the topic at hand is a common one with its b...
ReadmoreThe number of enemies and characters faced in InuYasha is a vast sea and the debate goes on about which enemies posed the greatest threat to the main ch...
ReadmoreTop 10 Characters Who Wield the Power of Smoke With the vast array of abilities and powers that characters in anime have shown over the years, it can becom...
ReadmoreYato and Hiyori Should Just Get Married Already 5 Reasons Why Yato and Hiyori Should Just Get Married Already In the supernatural anime N...
ReadmoreAssassination Classroom has been one of the anime getting a lot of attention and excitement last season. Based on a manga created by none other than Mat...
ReadmoreHistorical anime that aren't set in Japan with a focus on Japanese history are actually pretty rare. So we wanted to make a list of some of the best. The...
ReadmoreMystery and Drama Anime Spring 2016 - Drama, Puzzles, Mysterious Disappearances & The Unexplained! The countdown for Spring 2016 anime has begun. We know...
ReadmoreWhat are “classics”? Those born in the eighties might say anime such as “Cowboy Bebop” or “Cardcaptor Sakura” should be counted as classics, but while these series are fundamentally impo...
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