- Mangaka : Kishimoto, Massashi
- Publisher : Shonen Jump
- Genre : Action, Samurai, Sci-Fi, Shounen
- Published : February 19, 2020
Contains Spoilers
Discussion Time
Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den has returned to a drama focus and to be honest, this series needed it. Goku and Hachimaru continue to butt heads due to Hachimaru’s disdain for how close he’s getting to Ann. Hachimaru tries to show he’s a better samurai by challenging him to a duel but quickly loses to—as Daruma states—not seeing his true opponent. Ann tries to help Hachimaru out by healing him but an annoyed Hachimaru lashes out at her and thus begins the chapter’s issues between princess and samurai.
Throughout the entire 38th chapter, Hachimaru continues to avoid Ann and the latter does the same. Goku keeps showing all these great tricks and abilities he has which just pushes Hachimaru to even further anger. When both Hachimaru and Ann meet with others on the ship they learn that they need to talk it out before things get worse.
Ann and Hachimaru meet up in the hallway of the ship and this is where the emotion comes pouring out from the duo. Hachimaru apologizes knowing Goku is the reason things have been different but Ann quickly tells our young samurai the true reality. Ann likes Hachimaru but doesn’t want him to only see what she can offer as a princess. Ann wants Hachimaru to know what she’s about and see her like her brother did which confuses our samurai and concludes the chapter on a rather curious note. Does Ann like Hachimaru like a brother or…something more? Find out in chapter 39 but until then let’s talk more about Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den chapter 38!

1. Hachimaru Versus Goku
Hachimaru has already shown a disdain for Goku—as he seems to have everything Hachimaru doesn’t—so it was inevitable the two would duel one another. We’d love to say it was an epic fight but Hachimaru lost in a rather quick manner. Hachimaru needs to truly stop dwelling on what Goku has over him otherwise he may lose more than a duel.
2. Like!?
Our 38th chapter wraps up with Ann and Hachimaru having a deep talk about their issues but we learn that Ann has more in her heart to confess then our samurai. Apparently, Ann wants to be seen more than just a princess and admits to Hachimaru she likes him! Does this mean she has feelings for our young samurai or does she like him like a brother?
Final Thoughts
Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den 38 was more drama oriented this week and we appreciate that from this series. Does Hachimaru have a possible love interest in Ann or are the two destined to be nothing but princess/samurai or even worse…just friends! We don’t know what will happen next week but we’re excited to see it! Make sure to keep with us here at Honey’s Anime for even more Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den chapter reviews and to keep discussing what you love/hate about this series!
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