Strike a Pose! Otaku on Twitter Redraw Sailor Moon!

What You Need to Know:

  • Japan is always known for its goofy and oftentimes very intriguing ways of expressing itself and these past few days are no exception to that. As many of you know, Sailor Moon is an incredibly iconic franchise brought to life by the very talented Naoko Takeuchi. Most people in Japan, if you were to ask them on the street if they knew Sailor Moon, we'd say that a vast majority would likely recognize the Sailors.
  • Well it seems that fans on Twitter have taken their liking of the franchise to the next level by redrawing Usagi Tsukino (Sarina in English) in their own unique way (seriously, VERY unique). As you can see from the example above it's quite evident that Japan loves to go above and beyond with their creativity often, even taking their favorite characters and throwing in a little twist for some fun. Known as #sailormoonredrawing on Twitter, the hashtag is abundant with comedic remixes of Sailor Moon and we couldn't stop laughing at some of them! We of course see a lot of this in the Doujin community, who are well known for recreating popular franchises into their own unique creative narrative, but do so out of respect and admiration for the original creator. All we have to say is that a lot of these are impressive and just proves just how much talent the nation of Japan has. I guess while you're couped up at home your creative juices seem to come out more!
  • What do you folks think of these "redrawings"? Let us know! Here are some more for your entertainment!
  • Additional Redrawings

    Bishoujo-Senshi-Sailor-Moon-Crystal-Wallpaper-560x315 Strike a Pose! Otaku on Twitter Redraw Sailor Moon!
    That last one had me dying!
    Bishoujo-Senshi-Sailor-Moon-Crystal-Wallpaper-560x315 Strike a Pose! Otaku on Twitter Redraw Sailor Moon!
    I love the first one!