Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Everyone’s loving Fugou Keiji, a great anime where guys can relate to either a rich, handsome, powerful main character or the tr...
Readmore“We can do anything if we put our minds to it.” As corny and cheesy the quote above...
Readmore2018 was a great year for anime across all the different streaming platforms, with plenty of options for everyone. We tried to take a look at the best opt...
ReadmoreIngress is based on the game that Niantic made via google maps before they made Pokemon Go. The player is told a story of a world rich w...
ReadmoreAssassin stories have a lineage, a history from which they’ve evolved. The modern day assassin is a compilation of identities, muddled in part from its actu...
ReadmoreDeveloped by Satelight, the studio behind Hellsing Ultimate and Fairy Tail, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens is a completely different typ...
ReadmoreHakata Tonkotsu Ramens Genre: Action, Thriller Airing Date: January 13 2018 Studios: Satelight ...
ReadmoreIntroduction Welcome to all of the Action and Adventure anime that are coming for Winter 2018! What we have done here at Honey's Anime is prepared a preview of these shows for you, the readers, ...