Love Live! Sunshine!!
We all know the pain of watching that last episode of a great anime. Sometimes it’s hard to bring ourselves to keep watching knowing that the inevitable e...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: It seems like March 4th is a pretty popular day for anime birthdays, as now it's time for us to celebrate yet another adorable...
ReadmoreIn the idol sub-genre of music, explores and shares a very fascinating aspect of modern Japanese pop culture. It dates back to the eighties with The Ony...
ReadmoreBorn as a manga by Mami Kashiwabara's pen in 2016, Bang Dream! was first adapted into an anime which aired from January 2017, an...
ReadmoreAh, Christmas! A time for friends and family, a time for presents, a time for KFC if you live in Japan. Christmas truly is a special time for many people th...
ReadmorePerhaps more so than any other genre, the opening for music anime is important for setting the overall feeling of the anime as well as being the standard ...
ReadmoreLove it or hate it, idol anime is here to stay. Although, everything will eventually reach its peak and a new wave of anime will swoop in and take the spotl...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Today more information has come to light regarding the upcoming "Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie Over the Rainbow". The fi...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Months after the second season ended, we finally have an update in regards to the Love Live! Sunshine!! sequel movie. The franchise ha...
ReadmoreIdol anime...Anime about idols have nothing to do with religion, statues, or anything of the like. Rather, what it is about is the passions, dreams, and s...
ReadmoreMari, or Kimari (decided/deciding) as she is nicknamed, is a second-year high school student who wants more out of her everyday ...
ReadmoreIntroduction We’ve seen the story before, we are introduced to a likeable, average girl. The school gives notice that it is due to be shut down due to lack o...
ReadmoreLove Live! Sunshine!! Genre: Musical, Idol, School, Slice of Life Airing Date: October 7 2017 Other ...