Sakura Quest
Slice of Life anime is one of the fastest-growing genres in anime. Every season, new anime that detail their characters' daily lives and non-action advent...
ReadmoreEver dreamt of escaping the dreary day to day of a bustling city by moving to the peaceful countryside? Anime have picked up on that need and in the last ...
ReadmoreFollowing a long night's sleep, you may feel groggy and not want to get up out of bed. What better way to look forward to getting out of bed than watching...
ReadmoreCompetition is a rivalry between a single being and group over something that both sides desire or need. Competition among livi...
ReadmoreThe best shows are not necessarily the most popular ones. Certain genres cater to a larger audience, allowing for the content to be viewed and re-tweeted ...
ReadmoreWhile slice-of-life anime are everywhere you look, finding the ones that truly excel at what they do may seem like a daunting task. Since Non Non Biy...
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