[Honey's Crush Wednesday] 5 Chulanont Phichit Highlights - Yuri!! on Ice

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Yuri-on-ICE-Wallpaper [Honey's Crush Wednesday] 5 Chulanont Phichit Highlights - Yuri!! on Ice

I'm going to become Thailand's future!

  • Episodes: 12
  • Genre: Oct. 2016 – Dec. 2016
  • Airing Date: Sports, Romance, Comedy
  • Producers: MAPPA

Yuri!!! on Ice Preview (No Spoilers)

At 23, Yuri Katsuki does not have much time left in the professional world of ice skating. After messing it up big in the Grand Prix, a morally defeated Yuri goes back to his hometown to think about his future. However, other skaters follow him, in particular a certain Viktor Nikiforov, who offers to train him. Will Yuri be able to win the Grand Prix this time? You will have to watch the anime to find that out 😉

Phichit Chulanont’s Bio

Among the many skaters we meet in Yuri!!! on Ice, there is one that has been particularly favored by fans: Phichit Chulanont. The first thing we notice about him is that he is always smiling. A few people even might guess his nationality correctly, as Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles”. Aged 20, Phichit Chulanont was discovered in a commercial Ice rink in Bangkok when he was a child. Of course, he is one of the competitors for the Grand Prix! But what exactly do fans see in Phichit Chulanont? Well...

Phichit Chulanont Highlights

1. Phichit Chulanont’s nationality

Let’s be honest here. When was the last time you knew about an anime character from Thailand? Since Japan permitted easier tourist visas for Thai in 2015, tourism from that country has increased considerably. These days, Japan wants to be viewed as a global place.

It makes sense to create characters from more varied nationalities, especially from less known Asian countries. So, we have to give thanks to the creators for thinking about adding Phichit Chulanont to the cast! Besides that, his distinctive and beautiful skin color makes him stand out among the Yuri!!! on Ice crew. Phichit also has jet, black hair with bangs, but he combs it back when he has a performance. And let’s not start on his shiny, dark, grey eyes...

2. Phichit Chulanont’s style on the ice

We could notice three types of music choices among the skaters in Yuri!!! on Ice. The first one was classical music (like Yurio), the second one was modern music (like Emil), and the third one was representative music from their country. Phichit’s songs belong to the third category. They mirror the real ice skating world, where music from famous movies or videogames are used for the performances.

So yes, in the case of Phichit Chulanont, his music is from two fictitious musicals called The King and the Skater, and The King and the Skater II. They are inspired in the musical and movie The King and I, which in turn is based on a novel called Anna and the King of Siam (which is Thailand, of course). Anyway, just by hearing the songs, we know there is a deep Thai spirit in them! The lyrics are uplifting and happy. Phichit’s costumes are so distinctively Thai, that the first one reminds us of the royal family traditional outfits as well. And well, the smiling guy’s performance has all the energy and originality in the world. Phichit Chulanont truly enjoys being in the ice!

3. Phichit Chulanont’s friendship with Yuri

Phichit met Yuri at the Detroit skating club, where they trained under Celestino Cialdini’s supervision. Being the strict coach he is, Cialdini would only accept people with potential, right? Besides that, Phichit and Yuri are both Asians in a Western country. So, with that background in common, they had a solid base to build a friendship that didn’t break when they went back home.

These two guys are so cute together! While Yuri is shy but kind and soft hearted, Phichit Chulanont is the super smiley, friendly guy. Yuri has confessed that the only person he considered a friend among his competitors was Phichit Chulanont. Thus, we have some scenes where we see them sharing their thoughts and dreams. We all need someone to trust when we are far away from home, don’t you think the same?

And how about when Yuri gave a ring to Viktor? They get together with Phichit Chulanont and other skaters at a restaurant after that. It is the Thai guy who first spots the rings and gladly congratulates the couple, exclaiming they got married. Although the mistake was comical, the happiness with which he accepted their relationship is something the LGBTQ community would love to see more often both in anime and in real life. Phichit Chulanont truly is an example of how to be a supportive friend.

4. Phichit Chulanont’s dreams

Talking about dreams, friendly guys have a curious tendency. Some of their deepest desires remain unknown even to their inner circle of friends. That does not have anything to do with trust, it is simply something that evolves and eventually ends up coming out. In the case of Phichit, we find out during his last performance that there is something he has not told Yuri. The truth is that he wants to create an ice show in Thailand.

What is interesting and funny about his dream is how he pictures all of the skaters he knows as part of the show. In real life there are some rivalries and cold friendships going on, but Phichit views everyone in the same warm perspective. Also, because he likes hamsters, Phichit imagines the skaters wearing hamster hats. Now, that is a show we would totally attend to!

5. Phichit Chulanont is a good loser and winner

Finally, there is an important uplifting quality in Phichit Chulanont. His enthusiasm for skating and his generally positive view of life help him to have an enormous confidence in himself. That makes Phichit an interesting contrasting character if we compare him with Yuri, right? While he is always worried about his performance, Phichit calmly observes the performances of others and calculates what he can do to earn more points. Yes, he does not focus on the person and much less on their personality, like Yurio does, for example. Phichit Chulanont focuses on how to be better himself.

Then, once Phichit Chulanont is in the ice rink, he has a mindset of someone who has nothing to lose. Because his age is not so old but also because there are not Thai ice legends before him, Phichit let’s himself go. He does not have to defend anything, or even surpass any record of his own. What matters to Phichit Chulanont is making his country shine. Therefore, whether he wins or loses is not that important.

Final thoughts

Yuri!!! on Ice has opened the world of competitive ice skating to many. For those of us who already were fans, it was refreshing to see such an accurate anime. It also was uplifting to see so many nationalities and personalities interacting with each other. However, many of us will keep Phichit Chulanont close to our hearts, hoping to learn from his positive outlook in life. He is a winner and he does not even has to prove it with medals (although they always help, right Phichit?) 😉

Which were your favorite moments with Phichi in Yuri!!! on Ice? What do you expect to see about this character in the next season of the anime? We think it would be interesting to find more about his past. Or how about a possible romance? The great question is with whom. An old character, or perhaps a new one? Don’t forget to comment away. See you soon!

Yuri-on-ICE-Wallpaper [Honey's Crush Wednesday] 5 Chulanont Phichit Highlights - Yuri!! on Ice


Author: Sakura_Moonprincess

Writing about anime by Moonlight. Swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the Moon.

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