It’s Hard Being a Working Man in a Concrete Jungle
- Episodes : 12
- Genre : Slice of Life, Comedy
- Airing Date : October 2019 – December 2019
- Producers : HOTZIPANG
Contains Spoilers
Africa no Salaryman (Africa Salaryman) Introduction and Story
Meet Big Cat, a hardworking lion trying to balance his work and home life. He hangs out at the office with his fellow coworkers the serious and handsome Lizard and their louder, ruder friend Toucan. Together, (unless Toucan abandons them to do something more fun) they try to navigate a tough world of adult problems. High school girls accusing you on the train, stressful and demeaning work projects, and hostile coworkers can bring up the stress levels.
Even though the show seems similar in theme to Aggretsuko with animals working at a company, there are several stark differences between the two. Africa no Salaryman is a more daring, outlandishly funny show where there is little deliberation between doing the right thing or not. Each episode has about 4 loosely based segments that fit together but could also be enjoyed on their own.

1. You Love Adult Humor with Child-like Whimsy
You could guess from a plot where animals working an office job can get pretty unreal, but a lot of the subjects they touch on range from inappropriate to unbelievable. It seems they can get away with more since the cast is animals and its hard to know exactly where one should draw a line. Watching the characters exhibit near-exact human behavior before some animal-based joke happens also adds to the hilarity. From work trips to Hawaii to hunting down monsters and acting as their wingmen, there’s a lot that you will find relatable and a lot that will have you laughing at the ridiculousness of it all.
1. You Don’t Like Gore or Physical Comedy
Poor Big Cat has a bad rep just for being a lion but… it’s not entirely without merit. He gnaws on a poor dentist’s head every time Toucan says something to piss him off just as a reflex, blood spurting all over the office. One of the recurring gags is someone ripping off Lizards’s tail to an outpouring of blood and his screams. One of the bosses likes to show off his bravery by jumping off buildings and dying, which usually results in him coming back in bandages and open wounds anywhere from 1 episode to just a few minutes later.
Final Thoughts

Africa no Salaryman is quite an enjoyable show for most ages. It’s probably not the best idea to show young children ripping off the tails of lizards but its humor and unique setting will be entertaining to a lot of people. Toucan is one of those characters that you KNOW sucks but at the same time, he’s so hard to hate. He’s so entertaining and so lacking a moral compass it seems unfair to judge him by normal standards. Poor Lizard’s suffering because of and his resulting rage towards Toucan keeps things spicy even as Big Cat tries so hard to kindly meditate, so opposite from the fearsome image he gives off. If you like comedies with unique, more mature settings, definitely give Africa no Salaryman a chance!
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