Do you remember the dizzy romantic comedy, School Rumble? Try not to feel old when we tell you that season 1 aired on October 5, 2004, while season two came out on April 3, 2006. School Rumble aired during a time when just about every anime was greenlit for a sequel and had 26 episodes. The episodes were split up into three skits and focused on a different character and their relationship with someone else.
School Rumble is unlike any romantic comedy you see today, or even the ones in the past, because it doesn’t having a single character get into a romantic relationship with the person they have a crush on. School Rumble is about the journey one will take to work up the courage to talk to that special someone, and in doing so, we get to learn more about the characters. Take our main protagonist, Tenma, who’s in love with Karasuma. We know Tenma isn’t going to be with Karasuma in the end since Karasuma doesn’t have a crush on anyone. However, we still root for Tenma to go talk to him or give him a gift. This is because the series gives you plenty of time to develop some sort of attachment to the characters. You love them so much, that even though you know they’re going to fail, you want them to succeed.
As stated earlier, School Rumble is incredibly funny, and that’s all thanks to the cast. The story cannot move forward without the characters’ strange attempts at love, especially Harima. Harima is just as much of a main character as Tenma. He’s the school delinquent with a loving heart and will stop at nothing to convey his feelings to Tenma. Because Tenma is always chasing Karasuma, Harima has to catch up to whatever she’s doing next. As this is happening, Yakumo and Erika end up developing feelings for Harima. Hey, we weren’t kidding when we said that School Rumble is a dizzy romantic comedy.
Other side characters include the suspiciously badass Akira and the love-struck senpai, Hanai. Like Karasuma, Akira doesn’t have a crush on anyone and moves to the beat of their own drum. Actually, Akira is a lot like Karasuma since they do bizarre things in their daily lives while always keeping a stoic face. Hm, wonder why they didn’t get together… Moving on, Hanai was Yakumo’s senpai, as well as Tenma’s class rep. He was always trying to show off his skills to Yakumo, but she was never impressed since she’s good at just about everything. We can go on and on about the characters of School Rumble, but there are way too many to name. However, each and every one of them has a purpose and you love them no matter how little screen time they get.
Final Thoughts

School Rumble was a fun journey from beginning to end. Of course, you can always read the manga for more, but nothing will ever compare to the lively nature of the anime. School Rumble, we miss you. Leave us a comment letting us know who your favorite characters are and your favorite episode. Till next time!
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