What You Need to Know:
- With just under a week left remaining until the release of Conan Exiles, Funcom has released a video that summarizes the journey Conan Exiles has made in the first six months of Early Access, detailing all the new content, features, and the significant improvements the team has done to create a bigger and better game.
- Conan Exiles is planned to leave Early Access and see full launch on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in Q1 2018. While the team has been able to expand and improve the game significantly the first six months of Early Access, there are several months left and the team will continue to work side-by-side with the community to realize Conan Exiles’ full potential.
- Since launching into PC Early Access on January 31st 2017, the development team has been working tirelessly to introduce new content, improve mechanics, and eradicate bugs and exploits. The team has added siege weapons, a new dungeon, a dye system, new armor and weapons, new decorations, avatar defenses, new building pieces, and much more. Get ready for the hype next year! In the meantime, check out the latest trailer below and look forward to our impressions soon.
Source: Official Press Release
Official Trailers
Conan Exiles - Early Access Phase #2: Bigger and Better
Conan Exiles - First Xbox One Gameplay Stream

The only thing that comes to mind when I think Conan is Arnold.

Wouldn't that be funny if Arnold was the main character? Or they had his voicing from that old movie? haha.
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