Valentine’s Day has ended and for the men who have received amazing chocolates/gifts, it’s time to return the favor to the ladies! White Day, as it is called, is like Valentine’s Day—in theory—but with a focus on giving sweets to those who gave originally. In the world of anime, there are several episodes from different anime series that focus on White Day and we decided to look at the best of the best. Welcome to our Top 5 White Day Episodes list!
1. Episode 21 of Ore Monogatari!! (My Love Story!!)

Easily one of the cutest anime romances out there, Ore Monogatari!! showed how relationships didn’t need to be according to the status quo of anime or real life. Takeo Gouda—our main man of the series—wanted to show his appreciation for getting Valentine’s Day chocolates so he makes his love interest—Rinko Yamato—some nice cookies. It’s a simple gift but Takeo shows his love for Rinko by clearly putting his heart into those cookies. Episode 21 was when the series was about to conclude—as it’s only a 24 episode show—but this event was just a tease for how much cuter the show would end up being near the finale!
2. Episode 7 of Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (Wolf Girl and Black Prince)

A lesser-known shoujo series called Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji had an excellent White Day episode that proved love is quite…peculiar. Episode 7 has our male lead Kyouya Sata lose his girl—Erika Shinohara—when he admits he doesn’t care for her. Erika ends up going on a date with a friend in frustration—Yuu Kusakabe—on White Day. Yuu admits he loves Erika but her heart still yearns for Kyouya. Thankfully, Kyouya appears and finally admits his feelings for Erika—albeit a bit overly directly—allowing the two to reconcile. White Day is a magical day in the world of romance which is conveyed nicely in this episode.
3. Episode 12 of Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place)

Episode 12 of Acchi Kocchi was ironically both a Valentine’s Day and White Day episode! While Part A focused on the girls and their strange chocolate concoctions—this is Acchi Kocchi after all—Part B was the White Day section and wow, we couldn’t stop laughing. Some of the creations for the ladies were nice—and looked delicious—but Sakaki needed revenge for a “gift” he got and made pig feet marshmallows. Acchi Kocchi’s 12th episode is funny, cute and perfect for those who love White Day!
4. Episode 6 of Working!!
If you’re the type of anime viewer who root for the side characters in romance series—or in this case a romance comedy—then you’ll appreciate episode 6 of Working!! On White Day, Jun—the series Chef—gives a White Day gift to the sword-carrying Yachiyo Todoroki. Souta Takanashi—the main man of Working!!—also gives gifts to Popura Taneshima and Mahiru Inami but it feels less romantic and more generous. Overall, though, the 6th episode of Working!! shows us to never be afraid to show love on White Day even if the end result is a bit unusual.
5. Episode 12 of Fruits Basket (2001)

Episode 12 of the original Fruits Basket was conveniently titled White Day and it made us of that name. The gang heads to a hot springs resort and several comedic events ensue such as a mean match of ping pong and some romantic drama. Tohru Honda is then surprised by Yuki Sohma with a pair of golden hair ties. This is easily one of the best moments between Yuki and Tohru and made us go awww for at least several minutes! Fruits Basket’s White Day episode was one of the most legendary ones of our list and we knew wrapping up our article with it was quite necessary!
Final Thoughts
White Day might not be as loved as Valentine’s Day, neither in the real world or anime, but we have a fond appreciation for the day in our hearts. White Day shows that romance should always be equal and to give recognition for the love you get from one another!
That being said, there are other anime series that have featured White Day we didn’t get to on our list. What White Day episodes did we miss or do you enjoy more? Comment down below to let us know and keep stuck to us here at Honey’s Anime for even more White Day articles!
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