Non-Ghibli Anime Movie Dates: Yay or Nay?

soul-eater-movie-theater-500x314 Non-Ghibli Anime Movie Dates: Yay or Nay?

What You Need to Know:

  • Rakuten Woman published an article recently, exploring what people think about watching anime movies when on dates. Of interest is the fact that the interviewer made the assumption that Ghibli anime movies are already considered safe for dates, and this is reflected in the title.
  • As expected, there was a fairly even divide in opinion, with some good reasons on both sides.
  • At the end of the day though, just remember that who you're with is the most important thing.


- If it's what everyone's talking about.

"If it's something that has a lot of hype around it, then I'd wanna go to see how it actually is. Even if it ends up being boring, that's still one more thing to talk about with him, so it's OK."
(22-year-old female)

- If I'm interested in that movie.

"If it's an anime or manga I like that's been made into a movie, I'd love to go see it. I'd want that to be a chance for my partner to gain interest in it as well."
(19-year-old male)

- There are other good ones besides Ghibli films.

"As of late, there have been several movies outside of Ghibli's works, that are aimed at general audiences too, such as those directed by Hosoda Mamoru, like 'Summer Wars', and 'Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki'. So I think seeing these on a date would be more than reasonable."
(36-year-old male)


- If it's a genre or work I'm not interested in, it's tough.

"I once went with a guy to see a movie he was a big fan of, but it was aimed at a pretty young audience, and so I found myself getting sleepy halfway through. It really is tough to watch something you have no interest in to start with."
(24-year-old female)

- I'm not good with anime.

"I'm no good with anime to begin with, so I can't see myself going at all."
(41-year-old male)

- Movie theaters seem like where you watch Western movies.

"I'm more on board with renting anime movie DVDs and watching those at home. Live action would be what I'd watch in a theater. Since middle school, when I went to the movies with my friends for the first time, I've always seen it as a place to watch Western-style movies."
(30-year-old female)

Source: Rakuten Woman

Reactions Around the Web

You can find interest in a new genre, or be super bored and have that lead to a break-up. So it's a tough call.
Can't anyone watch a movie alone?
Good stuff happened for me when I went to see KokoSake on a first date.

soul-eater-movie-theater-500x314 Non-Ghibli Anime Movie Dates: Yay or Nay?
I don't really get where the debate is...
soul-eater-movie-theater-500x314 Non-Ghibli Anime Movie Dates: Yay or Nay?
Even if it's bad, you can joke about it! I think it just depends on who you're with!

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