The Night is Short, Walk on Girl is a modern-day odyssey, as Kurokami no Otome is on a quest to find her beloved childhood story...
ReadmorePerfect Blue is the directorial debut of Satoshi Kon. Like all of Kon's work, Perfect Blue explores the theme of perception: one's perception of self, ot...
ReadmoreTatsuyuki Nagai commands an expert understanding. His ability to convey youthful emotions and the adolescent experience reveals itself in Toradora and ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The wonderful team at GKIDS and Fathom Events are starting to kick off their illustrious year long celebration of Studio Ghibli work...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: This is wonderful news for all of you Detective Conan fans, as TMS Entertainment Co., Ltd. announced that Detective Conan: Zero Enfo...
Readmore"What is life and what is the meaning of it all?" Scholars throughout time have attempted to answer that question, but are left ...
ReadmoreWhen the “Burst” happened, life on Japan changed completely. It was caused by a biological research project working on creating artificial life forms and it ...
ReadmoreMonogatari is a tough act to follow. Based on Isin Nisio and VOFAN's light novel series, this franchise deals with relatively ma...
ReadmoreWhat Exactly AM I? Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Sci-Fi Airing Date : March 2018 Producers : Bones Contains Spoilers A.I.C.O:...
ReadmoreSince 2003, Hideaki Sorachi's manga and subsequent anime have been entertaining fans on a regular basis. Billed as the final chapter, Gintama Movie 2...
ReadmoreHaven’t you ever wanted to escape from the boring world around you? Isekai is a great way to watch how it would unfold. There is...
ReadmoreSome of us might remember our childhood with nostalgia. Free from most of the worries in the world, maybe we were able to enjoy nature closer, as wel...
ReadmoreThe 2018 season has given us shows that hit you in the heart like Violet Evergarden or shows that make you smile and go “aww” lik...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Just when you thought the summer season couldn't get any hotter we've got something to really heat things up for anime movie f...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: TMS Entertainment USA officially announced that that a new style of anime series inspired by TOMORROW’S JOE (aka Ashita no Joe), cal...
ReadmoreBishounen characters are fairly common in the anime community, so much so that there are tons of manservice shows to satisfy the ...
ReadmoreHouseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) Mineral: Sulfide, Formula: HgS, Color: Red, Hardness: 2 Episodes: 12 Genre: Fantasy, Action, Seinen Airing Date: Oct. 2...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Sentai Filmworks announced earlier today their newest acquisition to the Spring 2018 simulcast lineup with DOREIKU: The Animation. ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: HIDIVE announced today it acquired streaming rights to DOREIKU The Animation for the Spring 2018 simulcast season. The dark psychol...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: VIZ Media is gearing up for C2E2, Chicago’s premier pop culture and comics convention, which takes place this coming weekend April 6...
ReadmoreIf you ever wondered how Japan used to be in the Heian period, when the capital was in Kyoto, this is the Studio Ghibli movie fo...
ReadmoreIn the real world, scientists and inventors continually strive to create an easier world for us humans to live in. Everyday, technology gets more and...
ReadmoreArrietty seems like another normal person, save for the face that she and her parents barely stand a few centimeters tall. In fact, they have to borr...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The awesome team at TMS America officially made the announcement earlier today that the latest installment of the LUPIN THE 3rd seri...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: HIDIVE brings a coming-of-age romance to the Spring 2018 simulcast season with its acquisition of Tada Never Falls In Love, streamin...
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