Re-Main is a sports anime set in a school with a drama element that sets it apart from your usual high school shounen setting. T...
ReadmoreThis season is filled with so many amazing sports anime. One of the best shows of the ...
ReadmoreDiamond no Ace was born as a manga in 2006, by the amazing Yuuji Terajima. In 2013, it gained an anime adaption, and its popular...
ReadmoreEvery year there are dozens of OVAs that are released to little or no fanfare. Often times these titles slip under the radar and get overlooked. Today we ...
ReadmoreWhen most studios debut, their first work usually gets swept under the rug. Not only that, but the studio will take their time making a series, since they d...
ReadmoreArguably more than any other genre, sports anime know how to get our blood pumping! Regardless of whether the story focuses on boxing or...
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