Most otaku start off watching shounen anime and eventually realize there’s more to anime than series like Naruto and Bleach. Aimed at older audiences—usuall...
ReadmoreWatching every anime that releases can be almost akin to having a job. Sure, there will be days where you’ll love to binge the latest arcs of Black Clover a...
ReadmoreWhat makes for a great anime villain? Memorability, degree of depravity, how they contrast against the hero or symbolically fit into the overarching story? ...
ReadmoreFrom coming-of-age stories to wild isekai adventures, so many popular anime have young protagonists, often high school students. Elderly characters, when ...
ReadmoreLove, Death & Robots was a unique hit in 2019 for animation in the West because there aren’t many adul...
ReadmoreIn case some of you didn’t know, Japan has the highest senior population in the world (thanks to a decrease in the country’s birth rate) and the longest...
ReadmoreDespite being sources of wisdom both in reality and in anime, the elderly don’t seem to get that much recognition, at least as far as anime is concerned...
ReadmoreAmazon Video stirred controversy when it announced its anime subscription service Anime Strike in early 2017. It meant that anime offerings would be stret...
ReadmoreWhen most studios debut, their first work usually gets swept under the rug. Not only that, but the studio will take their time making a series, since they d...
ReadmoreOver the past few years, we have seen quite a few anime similar to Kokkoku, but none that have used as many of the common tropes...
ReadmoreFights. Explosions. Destruction. The high stakes of each and every episode of an action anime makes these series incredibly addictive and waiting week to ...
ReadmoreWhat a year it has been for 2017! We have finally received so many long-promised sequels, some better than others, and there have been many a good newcome...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: After announcing the live action movie adaptation in December, the upcoming Inuyashiki movie has reveled a new, full-length trailer toda...
ReadmoreOne thing that makes anime an incredible medium is its versatility. With the incredible number of stories and perspectives that anime offers us, the fans, so...
ReadmoreThe 2017 year has come to a close and yet, many of us are still buzzing with many of the great anime from last year. One genre that really had us talking ...