Wonder Egg Priority

Wonder Egg Priority

Slice of Life, Drama, Fantasy

Airing Date:
Winter 2021


Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


Ai Ooto is a 14-year-old girl. She is guided by misterious voice while taking a walk at night and given an "egg".

"If you want to change your future"
"All you have to do is choose."
"Yes, believe in yourself"
"and break the egg!"

What waits for Ai after she breaks the "Egg".....?

Characters & Voice Actors

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Ai Ohto: Kanata Aikawa

14 years old. Has different colored eyes. Currently unable to go to school due to certain circumstances.
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Neiru Aonuma: Tomori Kusunoki

14 years old. Has dark skin and long braids. She’s quiet and doesn’t actively try to interact with people.
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Rika Kawai: Shuka Saitou

14 years old. Has blonde hair with a pink highlight. She’s an excitable girl who isn’t afraid of talking to people she’s never met before.
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Momoe Sawaki: Hinaki Yano

14 years old. Has a mole under her left eye and a tall, slender figure. She’s sometimes mistaken for a boy and is popular with other girls.

Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: by Anemoneria (Kanata Aikawa, Tomori Kusunoki, Shuka Saitou, Hinaki Yano)
Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Shinji Nojima
  • Director: Shin Wakabayashi
  • Assistant Director: Yuta Yamazaki
  • Script: Shinji Nojima
  • Character Design: Saki Takahashi
  • Sound Director: Akiko Fujita
  • Music: DÉ DÉ MOUSE Mito

For more information: Official Website, Twitter

(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)