Introduction Despite its trappings as an action-buddy anime, Tiger and Bunny offers an ample barrage of fujoshi fodder between its title characters that has fueled countless volumes...
ReadmoreIntro While so many different anime hairstyles seem to defy the laws of physics, there is no hairstyle more perplexing than the ahoge. Ahoge can be broken down into the two Japane...
ReadmoreTits, ass, camel toes, wardrobe malfunctions, and lesbians Episodes : 12 Genre : Shounen, Yuri Airing Date : October 10, 2015 to December 26, 2015 ...
ReadmoreWe begin a new year, and here at Honey’s we’re all looking forward to the upcoming anime of 2016 with great enthusiasm. But before we get into the new shows, we want to pay tribute to th...
ReadmoreAs we roll into the new year with our newly refreshed state of mind, we all are just about excited for what's to come in 2016. However, there is that time when we sit there and remin...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 12 Genre : Action, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire Airing Date : October 2015 – December 2015 Studi...
ReadmoreRory Mercury (Gate) As most hard core anime fans are aware of, there are many different visual styles that anime girls portray to represent and differentiate themselves from one anoth...
ReadmoreIt is probably safe to say you know what a kimono is. Kimono are featured in many different anime to be worn at festivals, ceremonies, and hatsumode, but did you know there are man...
ReadmoreNear shore and Far shore collide Episodes : 13 Genre : Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Shounen Airing Date : Oct 3,2015 to Dec 26, 2015 Studios : Bo...
ReadmoreThe space opera. A genre defined by manly men fighting in robots attempting to save the world from evil forces only to return to a nice girl awaiting them on their home planet. The mec...
ReadmoreGrowing up in Mexico, I had access to anime from a very young age. In the early nineties, old and then-new series were on TV back to back. From Heidi, Candy Candy and Doraemon to Saint Seiy...
ReadmoreWe all at some point have discovered an anime that completely shifts your emotions from one spectrum to another, ranging from jubliance to utter grief. It's these types of feelings...
ReadmoreMagical girls have evolved from a simple character archetype, into something worthy of being its own genre. From heartwarming stories of saving the world, to harsh depictions of realitie...
ReadmoreHey everyone! Welcome back to “eat like your anime faves,” a series where I teach you just how to eat like characters do in anime. That’s right; you learn how to cook real Japanese food from anime...
ReadmoreWith 2016 coming up, the third season of Tokyo Ghoul is just around the corner. For that reason, we mean to go over some of the characters that will surely be in the spotlight next seaso...
Readmore“Alchemy is a science where one understands the structure of matter, breaks it down, then rebuilds it. However, it is not an all-powerful technique, as one cannot create something out of not...
ReadmoreMakoto Shinkai is the best director for theatrical anime still active today. If his next work, ‘Kimi no Na wa’, meets his usual standards, he might just bec...
ReadmoreA seiyuu is probably one of the most crucial asset in an anime production. Of course, having a great story, characters, graphics, or animation is one of anime’s selling point, but wh...
ReadmoreZanpakutou are the physical manifestation of a Shinigami's powers, a part of their very soul with their own independent, sentient existence. Much like their owners, each Zanpakutou in Bl...
ReadmoreMononoke In all of fiction, setting matters. And when it comes down to the nitty gritty of visual media, the place the characters live in, work in, or go out to, should have something...
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