One of the most intelligent anime that have been produced in recent years is Hetalia, which features an allegorical tale that pretty much focuses on world history. Utilizing personificat...
ReadmoreIs the Order a Rabbit? The Fall season has ended and it concludes another great year for anime as a medium. Whilst Fall seasons often seem to be the highlights of the year, it was unf...
ReadmoreA happy new year!— 真島ヒロ (@hiro_mashima) December 31, 2015 Hiro Mashima 明けましておめでとうございます!新年のお祝い&日頃の感謝を込め、キャラクターデザイン・岸田隆宏さんによる年賀状をお届けします!申年もハイキュー!!を何卒よろしくオネシャス!!(公式HP...
ReadmoreGrisaia no Rakuen In the last weeks of this year we want to take the time and highlight some of the best anime of 2015: romance, school, action, fantasy, super heroes - this year had ...
ReadmoreBinan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! The year of 2015 may be coming to a close but instead of looking upon the future, let’s turn back and see how far we’ve come in the world of comedy...
ReadmoreEverybody knows how popular elves, vampires, demons, angels and fairies are in anime, but how about other creatures? With countless beings in mythologies around the world, why limit anime ch...
ReadmoreKokoro ga Sakebi Tagatterunda (Director: Nagai Tatsuyuki) Sometimes, people make the mistake of asking “what makes a good anime?” This is a rather common and unfortunate misattributio...
ReadmoreGreen is synonymous with being calm and peaceful. Like nature, green represents an easy and docile attitude. It is a warm colour which allows people to be at ease when looking at it....
ReadmoreOwari no Seraph Finally, the year is coming to an end, and what a great year it’s been for anime. We got to enjoy all types of new and quite original shows (many of them at least), so...
ReadmoreWhile sports anime has been around for quite some time there has recently been a resurgence in the genre particularly among young females. While the animation and action of the game ...
ReadmoreIn many parts of the world, anime is often still viewed as entertainment show for kids. For fans of dark, psychological-themed anime, though, this could nev...
ReadmoreWow! Bleach has so many characters that it is tough to come up with any kind of top 10 list for it. Invariably, you leave out some fan favorites. Different aspects of a character strike ...
ReadmoreBen-To You like anime, silly characters and stupid jokes? Then you have come to the right place, because today we want to introduce you to our Top 10 Baka anime! What do we mean wi...
ReadmoreServing as a sequel to the groundbreaking Japanese style Role Playing Game that established the genre on an international scale, Advent Children serves as a sequel to what happens ...
ReadmoreEve no Jikan Android characters have long been an essential part of many anime series. With their human-like appearance, individual personalities, and occasional ability to feel or le...
ReadmoreThis poll project had to be one of the best turnouts we've had yet! Yeah! Everyone trully loves a romantic story which invlove two people! It's was also obvious who the best ...
ReadmoreHey everyone! Welcome back to “eat like your anime faves,” a series where I teach you just how to eat like characters do in anime. That’s right; you learn how to cook real Japanese food from anime...
ReadmoreAttack on Titan has made a name for itself by being an anime that is gritty, intense, and extremely realistic in its depiction of violence and despair. With a well-rounded plot and a killer ...
ReadmoreOtaku has become a word that is synonymous with Japanese geek culture, particularly having a devout interest in anime, manga, video games or all three combined. While this is the modern ...
ReadmoreJinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Anime are all about fantastic stories, interesting characters and amazing creatures. Producers keep surprising their fans with new and fantastic beings, so...
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