Shonen anime films often remain self-contained, leaving little impact on the running series, and most of One Piece’s previous movies have followed this fo...
ReadmoreSpy x Family was a hit when it was released in the Spring of 2022, and we here at Honey’s Anime absolutely loved it. While only the first part, we knew Cl...
ReadmoreWhat do you get when you fuse a big oppai college girl—who loves to hang out—with a comedy story of a young man dealing with his big oppai friend who ...
ReadmoreThe Fall 2022 anime season has made its way onto the scene, so that means now is the perfect time to take stock of the amazing opening themes that have grace...
ReadmoreMaid cafés are a staple of Japanese otaku culture, particularly in Akihabara where they first gained traction in the late ‘90s and early 2000s. It’s a fun...
ReadmoreFrom the pages straight to the screen—there’s never been a better time for light novels to get anime adaptations. We might be in the middle of a great ani...
Readmore“A Must-Read Female-Led Fantasy” Mangaka : Sato Mato (Story), Mitsuya Ryo (Art) Publisher : Yen Press Genre : Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sei...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: On October 30, on the anniversary of her debut as a singer, Sumire Morohoshi announced that she will be singing the ending theme song fo...
ReadmoreBankai is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō, the weapons that Shinigamis wield in the Bleach Universe. And to achieve a Bankai, one must b...
ReadmoreIt takes more than just a name to be a general in Kingdom, the anime. They are in charge of commanding thousands of soldiers to fight the bloodiest wars, ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Shugo Nakamura, a voice actor and singer-songwriter, has released a music video for WINNER, the ending theme of the TV anime Blue Rock, ...
ReadmoreIn September we received Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Netflix and Studio TRIGGER’s adaptation of the action role-playing video game, and it’s possibly one of t...
ReadmoreFrom a Samurai who wields a legendary katana to a knight who holds a heavy broad sword, there are so many kinds of swordsmen that you can find in anime. A...
ReadmoreIf we’re talking about weapons in anime, then the swords have to be the most popular ones, especially katanas. However, the second most commonly used weap...
ReadmoreA beautiful thing about any and all conventions isn’t the great vendors selling limited edition merchandise or even meeting a popular icon and getting a p...
ReadmoreBoys and Girls, Ghosts and Ghouls, it’s that time of year again! It’s time for costumes, trick or treat, and that beautiful fall weather, but most of all,...
Readmore“Simple and Enjoyable Ecchi Comedy” Mangaka : Tirotata Publisher : Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Slice of Life Genre : Yen ...
Readmore“A Brilliant Fantasy Manga” Mangaka : Iris (Story), Higa Yukari (Art) Publisher : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Seinen ...
ReadmoreWe’re already in the middle of an amazing anime season, but it’s only going to get better next year with the 2023 anime lineup! With a whole bunch of i...
Readmore“Color Us Impressed For This Fantasy Manhwa” Mangaka : Usonan (Story), Wookjaga (Art) Publisher : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, School Life, Sho...
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