Introduction Despite its trappings as an action-buddy anime, Tiger and Bunny offers an ample barrage of fujoshi fodder between its title characters that has fueled countless volumes...
ReadmoreOverflowing with technicolor animation and whiplashing time skips, Concrete Revolutio has the potential to be a great, if not groundbreaking anime. Combinin...
ReadmoreAs you have probably heard already, Tiger and Bunny, that unforgettable 2011 anime that spawned two films, a manga series, m...
ReadmoreNarratively refreshing as it visually attractive, Kyoto Animation’s famous (or should we say infamous) Free! set new standards for male eye candy and left a...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 13 Genre : Drama, Supernatural Airing Date : July 4, 2015-September 26, 2015 Producers : P.A. Works ...
ReadmoreHarumi Fujiyoshi "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei" If you often watch anime and read manga, you have probably come across the word “otaku” before. Heck, you even probably call yourself an ot...
ReadmoreAt Honey’s Anime we have been busy compiling quality Beginner’s Guides for those first dipping their big toe in the vast sea of anime. So far, we have guides for action, science fiction, ...
ReadmoreWhen I was five, I wanted to be Chinese. Disney’s Mulan had hit screens, and so my classmates viewed me as a “mini-Mulan.” They thought I was Chinese. I thought I was Chinese. ...
Readmore"Dakara Boku-ha H ga Dekinai" When you read the word ecchi, what do you imagine? Close your eyes a second. Think about it. Ok, what did you see? Stripped panties? Nudity? Boobs? ...
ReadmoreA mix of shoujo innocence and perseverance, light fantasy, and luscious pastries, Yumeiro Patissiere is a kids cooking anime that breathes sweetness into ou...
ReadmoreWatched all 68 episodes of Yo-kai Watch and craving more? Only made it partway through the series but want something with the same vibe? W...
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