Just the weekend prior to the drafting of this list, 13 episodes of the long awaited anime adaptation to Vinland Saga have been broadcasted. Throughout th...
ReadmoreBased on the manga by Natsuki Kizu, Given is the story of boy meets….boy…. Ritsuka Uenoyama just wanted to take a nap in a secluded area of the school onl...
ReadmoreEver since Dave Chappelle’s Sticks & Stones Netflix special debuted, discussions of cancel culture have generated heat. Basically, cancel culture is the l...
ReadmoreAshura, The Ultimate Fighting Machine Episodes: 12 Genre: Action, Martial Arts Airing Date: July 31, 2019 Studio: Larx Entertainment Ke...
ReadmoreIn this 2019 sci-fi hit that combines Star Trek Voyager with The Breakfast Club, a group of high school kids who don’t know each other are mysteriously st...
ReadmoreWhile Carole & Tuesday were disqualified on a technicality due to circumstances beyond their control in the finals of Mars’ Brightest, at the insistence o...
ReadmoreWho Wants to Live Forever? Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Demons, Supernatural Airing Date : July 15, 2019 – October 14, 2019 Producers : Production IG, Land...
ReadmoreJust a couple of weeks prior to the initial drafting of this list, the world had one of gaming’s biggest conventions, the Tokyo Game Show. While some of...
ReadmoreWelcome to our third edition to our Top 10 Creepy Anime Girls. As we share in a lot of our articles, Japanese anime takes a lot of extremes in how animation...
ReadmoreThe Rise to Stardom Episodes : 24 Genre : Music, Drama, Sci-Fi, Romance Airing Date : April 11, 2019 – October 3, 2019 Producers : Bones Contains S...
ReadmoreSan Teresa Fantasy Vice Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Sci-Fi, Police, Magic, Fantasy Airing Date : July 9, 2019 – October 1, 2019 Producers : Millepensee ...
ReadmoreA Boy and His Guitar Episodes : 11 Genre : Music, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai Airing Date : July 12, 2019 – September 20, 2010 Producers : Lerch...
ReadmoreThe Breakfast Club Meets Star Trek: Voyager Episodes : 12 Genre : Sci-Fi, Adventure, Space, Shounen Airing Date : July 3, 2019 – September 18, 2019 Producers ...
ReadmoreThe Little Guy in a Big World Episodes: 12 Genre: Action, Martial Arts Airing Date: July 31, 2019 Studio: Larx Entertainment ...
ReadmoreOn September of 2019, Shounen Magazine commemorated the 30th anniversary of George Morikawa’s boxing hit, Hajime no Ippo. The first anime debuted 11 years...
ReadmoreA few months prior to uploading this article, we posted another article in regards to how anime is more progressive than people give it credit for. As a s...
ReadmoreA Natural Leader Episodes: 12 Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Space, Shounen Airing Date: July 3, 2019 – September 18, 2019 Studio: Lerche Kan...
ReadmoreBased on the award winning manga by Yumi Tamura, 7SEEDS is a post-apocalyptic tale of how the world is d...
ReadmoreIf you’re an anime fan and don’t know what Dragon Ball Z is, then stop reading this article and watch it...
ReadmoreWelcome to our third edition to our Top 10 Most Brutal Anime Deaths! While this mostly applies to the eighties and nineties, anime had a reputation and imag...
ReadmoreIt’s that time again where we annually update (some of) our lists, and the top 10 evil characters in anime is certainly one of them. Villains comes and all ...
ReadmoreA good fraction of anime isn’t afraid to go dark, and feature such female characters. It doesn’t necessarily make them bad people, it just gives a distingui...
ReadmoreAfter 14 years, Vinland Saga, the award winning hit manga by Makoto Yukimura, has finally hit the air waves as its anime adaptation made its debut in July...
ReadmoreTowards the end of August 2019, Sega and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios made a HUGE announcements in regards to the next installment of their Yakuza (or Ryu Ga Got...
ReadmoreBem is one of numerous anime series’ that made its debut in summer 2019, and this is the second time it has been remade. In the big city, Sonia, a detecti...
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