Episodes : 12 Genre : Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural Airing Date : October 2015 — December 2015 Producers : Anip...
ReadmoreYui Hirasawa, Ritsu Tainaka (K-on!) In the anime world, characters tend to have crazy-colored hair to make us remember them. Silver, red, blue, green — you name it and it’s bound to h...
ReadmoreAs an avid anime watcher, it’s pretty obvious that no one needs to tell you about the different genres, especially if they try to tell you about shounen! If you are less of a romanti...
ReadmoreIn any genre of anime, there are always incredibly awesome moments that we cherish when we watch our favorites, or entirely new ones that no one has heard of yet. One of the reasons that...
ReadmoreIn any shounen anime, there are multiple aspects that keep you hooked and wanting more. “Bromances” are a thing of the Western world where you can have a guy friend that you’re incredibl...
ReadmoreAchievement unlocked:strong, compassionate, & beautiful ninja gal Episodes : Unknown Genre : Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power Airing...
ReadmoreJust as there countless famous tsundere and dandere characters in anime, there are also mother-like characters, which basically means that there are characters you wish could be your mot...
ReadmoreA lot of people, before watching an anime, always ask the same question: “is there a white-haired character in it?”. Known notoriously for causing heartbreak amongst fans, white-haired c...
ReadmoreWorking to pay off a debt that she had accumulated when she shot at a host in a host club, Tachibana Hotaru is asked to join ...
ReadmoreAnyone who watches anime faces a series of questions they ask themselves involving what you can call the ‘diagnostics’, which basically means the elements of the anime to watch based on ...
ReadmoreAs you might or might not know, Japan had occupied parts of Southeast Asia during WWII, causing them to leave behind traces of their culture and media. Instead of growing up with merely ...
ReadmoreIn this day and age, instead of looking for more shonen or shoujo, a lot of people seek something that can entertain their hearts in terms of laughter. No one really needs all that drama...
ReadmoreFollowing the story of Alucard and Seras Victoria, a policewoman he turned into a vampire, Hellsing tells the tale of an organizatio...
ReadmoreTinged with lighthearted humour and a cast that is bound to put a smile on your face, “K-On!” is an anime produced by KyoAni, and it tells the tale of four ...
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