Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts) Review – Taming the Beast Within

Katsute-Kami-datta-Kemono-tachi-e-To-the-Abandoned-Sacred-Beasts-Wallpaper-2 Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts) Review – Taming the Beast Within

Taming the Beast Within

  • Episodes : 12
  • Genre : Action, Drama, Fantasy, Military, Shounen
  • Airing Date : July 2019 – September 2019
  • Producers : MAPPA

Contains Spoilers

Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts) – Introduction and Story

Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e starts on the new continent of Patria. It’s been a hundred years since immigrants from the old continent established a new democratic nation. During this time, the discovery of a new energy called Somnium caused conflict between the Northern City of Industry and the Southern City of Mining. This divide between North and South resulted in a civil war.

The Northern Union of Patria was losing the war as the Southern Confederation of Patria outnumbered Northern troops. In a state of panic and desperation, the North used a forbidden technology that guaranteed absolute success. By creating unique soldiers, the North overran battles instantly. These unique soldiers were humans who transformed into hideous beasts. Because of their accomplishments, the people revered them as gods, calling them “Incarnates.”

Why You Should Watch Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts)

1. Outstanding Story That’ll Keep You Engaged

From the first episode, To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts will immediately get you hooked. The first scene begins with tons of action and intensity. Viewers get a glimpse of the troops in the conflict, the terrain they’re in, weaponry, strategy, etc. The war appears in an era where advanced technologies and munitions were not quite developed yet. So, ground warfare and basic defense is how the war appears. When the Incarnates enter combat, battles are even more awesome because their all-white uniforms stand out and brighten the battlefield. Proudly marching in and ready to kick some butt, the opposing side has zero chances of succeeding, knowing that they were dunzo. This starting episode sets the mood for what is to follow. It has a lot going on and will undoubtedly catch your attention.

2. Great Details With Characters

When we watch a series that contains a bunch of characters, we expect each of them to make a significant impact on the main character(s) or storyline. A lot of times, series fail at this because these minor, supporting people tend to be fluff to make up for lack of substance. Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e takes the time to highlight each Incarnate. It could be something about their character that makes them unique like where they came from, their sense of worth and values, or fulfilling unfinished business. Whatever the case may be, Captain Hank Henriette will help them see it through until the bitter end.

Why You Should Skip Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts)

1. There Are Some Unnecessary Components

From the battlefield to R&R, the Incarnates in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts find a wonderful balance between enjoying downtime and duty, being a combination of soldiers and WMD. The series highlights good-natured banter, troops reflecting on stories of home, and the Incarnates’ plans after the war. The Incarnates are optimistic and it’s nice to see that they’re not engulfed in the darkness of war. However, some things should have been kept out. Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e adds fan service and exaggerated comedic elements that throw off the vibe of the series. Subtle is key and Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e overemphasizes funny moments that didn’t need to be there to keep viewers interested.

Final Thoughts

Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e has a lot of positive elements that make it worth watching. The Incarnates are pretty cool and the seemingly annoying characters turn out to be essential to the story. Here and IRL, soldiers experience the rough and ugly in war. Their experiences are extreme, incomparable, and unforgettable compared to others. With that being said, it is interesting to see how Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e shows us the soldier’s perspective, adding a bit of the supernatural to kick things up a notch.

All in all, let us know what you think. Agree or disagree? To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts a series that deserves attention? Leave us a comment! Thanks, and see ya!

Katsute-Kami-datta-Kemono-tachi-e-To-the-Abandoned-Sacred-Beasts-Wallpaper-2 Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts) Review – Taming the Beast Within


Author: Eva B.

Hello! I’m Eva. I was born and raised in San Francisco, California. I’ve lived in Texas, Kentucky, and will soon be living in Japan! I’m a recent college grad with an MS in Justice Studies; a considerable feat in my life. When I’m taking a break from work/studies, I enjoy a variety of anime, passing a lot of time binging episodes alongside my husband. I also take pleasure in spending time with my two dogs and two cats, hiking, yoga, computer/video games, reading, and trying new cuisines. I’m pretty shy, so writing here has been a great outlet for me to come out of my box.

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