What You Need to Know:

- Today, DeNA Co., Ltd. and The Pokémon Company released highly anticipated updates for Pokémon Masters, a real-time battling and strategy game for compatible iOS and Android devices.
- Three new story chapters were added to the Main Story of the game, allowing players to continue the story of Pokémon Masters and play up to Chapter 21. Completing these new story chapters will also allow players to add the 5★ sync pair of Calem & Espurr to their team. Calem is a Trainer best known as one of the main characters from Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
- DeNA also announced that players can now have the game’s Main Character pair up with Torchic, the Fire-type Pokémon from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. This is the first time in Pokémon Masters that the Main Character will be able to pair up with a Pokémon other than Pikachu.
- To celebrate these exciting new updates, a special in-game event called “The Story Continues! Special Rally!” will be available for a limited time from now until November 27 at 9:59PM Pacific time, and will reward players with up to 2,000 gems for playing special missions and logging into the game. Additional login bonuses of up to 4,200 gems will also be available to earn for players that login consecutively for 14 days, available for a limited time from now until December 1 at 9:59PM Pacific time. Please check the in-game menus for more information. Note that event dates are subject to change without notice. Pokémon Masters is a free-to-start game with in-app purchases on compatible Android and iOS devices
Source: Official Press Release

While everyone is playing Masters I'm getting prepped for Pokemon Shield!!

I know right?! Just one more week!!