Mystery Anime
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin is one of those anime that feels like a punch to the stomach. It portrays the reality of Jap...
ReadmoreTwelve and Lisa have the most awesome love story in Zankyou no Terror Warning: this article is full of explosive spoilers and it includes so...
ReadmoreFor a little over 20 years, since anime fans could come together on the internet, one source of heated discussion that continues on to this day is the con...
ReadmoreWith every new season that arrives there’s always bound to be something spectacular. Summer has left us with a scorching reminder of how amazing the lineup was, and now things have sta...
ReadmoreTime seems to fly these days and with each new anime season, we get more and more shows for our entertainment. But some anime ar...
ReadmoreAs a writer for Honey's Anime, I knew that I would eventually write about my top 5 anime like my other famiglia here. I was so excited about it and though...
ReadmoreLife is all about choices. Choices of food, music, toilet paper; and most importantly, choices of what anime to watch. I’m a fan of many different genres of m...
ReadmoreI have been watching anime from a very young age, however I only first discovered the term ‘anime’ during my junior high school days. Ever since my cousin...
ReadmoreJapanese anime is a source for good and varied characters. From heroes to villains, from gods to demons, if the main character is a male, he’ll usually ...
ReadmoreWarning: this article is full of monsters and spoilers. Some of the topics are rather disturbing. Read at your own risk or select another article to rea...
ReadmoreFallen behind on the anime scene, have you? Not sure where to start with the entire summer 2016 season now in your backlog? Well, we are here to help. You’ve probably seen and enjoyed the classi...
ReadmoreWho bows in a suit? Joker Game is unique in its landscape as a historical fiction, seinen anime without a central plot set just before and du...
ReadmorePsychological manga isn't about using graphic imagery or cutting up your victims, it's about leaving such a harsh reminder in your memory that anything can happen at any moment. Thes...
ReadmoreThe popularity of horror manga comes from the premise of not knowing what will happen next, and you're in constant distress because you ...
ReadmoreHave you ever wondered what would happen if someone you knew ended up being a terrifying ghoul? Would you be able to sleep well ...
ReadmoreDarker than Black takes place in a world where mysterious “gates” have opened, altering time and space and turning previously normal people into Contrac...
ReadmoreBefore we get into the juicy stuff, please be advised. There will be some bits that are spoilers ahead. If you haven’t seen this anime, put down everything you are doing at the momen...
ReadmoreAttack on Titan came out with a bang in the spring of 2013, with popularity soaring through the roof due to its action and great...
ReadmoreNote: this is an update to an already existing list on Honey’s Anime. To read the original list, scroll down to the bottom of th...
ReadmoreAnime does have a lot of sexy boys, but let’s face it: bad boys are always the sexiest. Luckily, anime provides a variety of hot bad boys for our exclu...
ReadmoreLife is our punishment in this world of asynchrony. The struggle of the everyday life is what eats you away from the inside out, forcing you to juggle h...
ReadmoreOftentimes, we have our own distinctive masks to wear depending on the moment we currently face. Usually, we have one we show to other people and the ot...
ReadmoreHere at Honey’s Anime, we have many lists about heroes, protagonists or main characters. What seems to be a rarity is a list about the other side; the crook...
ReadmoreWelcome to another 6 anime like series where we focus on six great anime that all share some similarities, pertaining to story, ...
ReadmoreWhether you are a veteran anime fan or a virgin otaku, you probably have at least heard the name Haruhi somewhere before. That’s with good reason, because The Melancholy of Har...