Comedy Manga
Serving as a sequel to Tooru Fujisawa’s Shounan Jun’ai Gumi, (which tells the story of the teenage Eiichi Onizuka and Ryuuji Dan...
ReadmoreSome of you readers familiar with Rumiko Takahashi’s Ranma ½ probably think Ranma Saotome has it all. He is good looking and a m...
ReadmoreWarning: this article will leave you with hunger and minor spoilers. Proceed with caution. It is time to enter the manga kitc...
ReadmoreShinshi Doumei Cross, otherwise known in English as The Gentlemen’s Alliance, is arguably one of the best series by Arina Tanemu...
ReadmoreBefore the Nineties, manga were pretty different from what we are used to nowadays, both in style and content. As techniques and technologies for creating...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Lessons, hanging out, making friends and probably tons of homework. That is the sweet innocence of school. School life was perhaps the only time where we all have that moment...
ReadmoreWhile his name may not pop up into your head immediately, the moment you hear of Yoshio Sawai’s works and the light bulbs will go off. Gag comedy, or ギャグ as it’s known in Japan, is quite p...
ReadmoreWhile when we typically think about modern weapons, we don’t think of bows and arrows first, for centuries they were the top ranged weapon of choice for...
ReadmoreIt’s always a pleasure to see variety sprouting out from the manga community, and what better than more shoujo based manga to suit our needs. There’s alwa...
ReadmoreManga is a genre that has so much variety that at times, for even the most experienced, the task of finding the right choice that suits you can be challenging. With new manga coming ou...
ReadmoreThere are two things in life that we humans simply can't live without: romance and comedy. These two make up such a large chunk of our everyday lives, esp...
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