Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu, or Girls beyond the Wasteland tells the story of a group of friends rallying together to ma...
ReadmoreMany of this season’s anime seem quite promising, and Hai to Gensou no Grimgar is no exception. This is one of my favorite fantasy a...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Japanese Urban Ledgends are always fascinating to read. Especailly if you find out that in some weird way, even though you don't live there, they apply to you! ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Last week, we brought you Japan's favourite OP songs of the current winter season. Now, we bring you the top 10 EDs! Once again Akiba-Souken held a poll from Ja...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: New character images, cast members, and biographies have been added to the line up for spring 2016's BL anime, Super Lovers. Two new staff members were also rev...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: It's been just a few days since we brought you the latest character information for upcoming spring anime, Kiznaiver. Now, we can bring you a shiny new PV, show...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: It's been almost a month since we last heard anything from upcoming spring anime, Haifuri. But now we can bring you the first promotional video, showing off not...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: We're one week closer to the spring anime, and that means Boku no Hero Academia - arguably one of the most anticipated of the season. Following last week's add...
ReadmoreOther Reference: Naruto & Sasuke Kiss February has come, and romance is in the air! What better time would there be to shoot the breeze with first kiss stories? Now, anime has deliv...
ReadmoreKyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) Everyday life is full of moments where all you can do is to facepalm. This single, simple gesture holds a lot of meanings, but usually, it is use...
ReadmoreThe fandom of NaruHina is extremely large amongst the Naruto fanbase, which is admittedly a big deal because the Naruto fanbase has grown so large over the yea...
ReadmoreAny otaku who prizes themselves as being a hard core fan of modern Japanese customs should be at supermarkets or dessert stores by now. Why? White chocolate...
ReadmoreA hairstyle could easily make or break a man. For anime characters, the hairstyle is especially important in bringing out the character's overall image and personality. For men and their...
ReadmoreWith the winter season rolling in, many anime fans are cuddled up in their comfortable beds awaiting the next episode of their fav...
ReadmoreDamned Master Genre: Supernatural, Horror, Drama Airing Date: TBA Studios: Pierrot Plus ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Valentines is just a few short days away. In honor of the holiday, Charapedia held an online survey to find out which anime girls Japanese fans would most like t...
Readmore6HP (Six Hearts Princess) Episodes: TBA Genre: Magical Girl, Action Airing Date: 2016 Studi...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: There has been several new announcements today for upcoming spring anime, Bakuon!! Firstly, a cycling mini game has been created and uploaded onto the homepage,...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Everyone take a seat because this is some serious news. We have all been waiting with baited breath for the new PSVR to come out. It's pictured above in case you...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Upcoming spring anime Koutetsujou no Kabaneri has been updated with a new promotional video and information about the opening theme. The OP will be sang by Egoi...
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