![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Yuru-Camp-225x350.jpg)
![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Yama-no-Susume-225x350.jpg)
![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sora-Yori-mo-Tooi-Basho-A-Place-further-than-the-Universe-225x350.jpg)
There’s a tremendous mysterious quality about the vast outdoors that sparks amazement, intrigue, and excitement for both the novice and near-expert open-air enthusiast. Our planet is a massive place with much to see and little time to do it all. Some of us may have the funds to explore new areas, and some can only observe through the eyes of others. Whatever the case may be, looking into the world’s magnificent landmarks can be fulfilled merely by any adventure anime of our choosing. However, with so many in circulation, where should we start?! Well, look no further because we’ve got some of the best cute adventure anime to explore! In the following titles, we share with you some exciting recommendations, solely to give you a sampling of current flavors based on popular previously aired anime. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll give every one of these a shot! Now, lets gear up and go!
About Yama no Susume (Encouragement of Climb)
![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Yama-no-Susume-300x450.jpg)
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: January 2013 – March 2013
Aoi Yukimura hears the call of the mountains! As a child, Aoi admired the beauty of nature and was extremely passionate about climbing. However, an accident at the playground resulted in a tremendous fear of heights. When Aoi fell off a high structure, it left her afraid and discouraged her from taking any big risks with outdoor recreation. More and more, Aoi grew comfortable posting up in her room with such hobbies as crafting and arts. She enjoys her solitude, but ultimately, it puts a damper on her social skills. One day at school, Aoi bumps into an old hiking buddy, Hinata Kuraue, who fortunately, is changing her mind about her once forgotten pastime. A complete opposite personality from Aoi, Hinata is getting her hyped for climbing again with her reluctance slowly fading into the background. Aoi recalls those feel-good memories she had as a kid. As such, Aoi and Hinata’s love for climbing unfolds before us, as viewers get to see what this sport is indeed about.
Like Yama no Susume? Watch Yuru Camp!
![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Yuru-Camp-300x450.jpg)
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: January 2018 - Ongoing
“To each his own” is a phrase we popularly hear. While many of us can list a handful of things we need to set the mood for the perfect vacation, Rin Shima is content calling the mountains the place to go for a little “me” time. Rin is pretty good at camping, claiming the base of Mount Fuji as her “home away from home”, where she can relax, pitch a tent, and kick up her feet by the fire. As she is on another one of her regular retreats, Rin is suddenly startled by Nadeshiko Kagamihara, a gal totally lost, which results in the two of them camping together. Nadeshiko has her eyes set on scoring the perfect view of Mount Fuji, but fatigue came over her on her way to her destination that day, falling asleep near Rin’s campsite. As luck would have it, the two of them share a unique experience together, until Nadeshiko’s sister picks her up later that night. From that event, the girls wonder if there will ever be another round of that exciting camping trip.
Three Major Similarities Between Yama no Susume and Yuru Camp
1. It’s All in the Detail
Alright, everyone! Let’s take a look at your packing list! What’s a packing list you ask? It is primarily used to catalog everything needed for your camping/hiking trip, whether it's for a day or a few weeks. Items on this list are a priority and also good things to have just in case. Yuru Camp and Yama no Susume both go into fine detail about some of the essentials needed for camping/hiking. Backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, cookware, and appropriate clothing are just a few of the elements explained in each anime. Beginners can quickly learn a lot if they’re interested in the hobby and skilled outdoors folk can appreciate the specifics that make these adventure anime credible. Eureka!
2. A Mini Traveling Guide to Japan
Yuru Camp and Yama no Susume are the embodiment of the slice of life genre. Both anime are genuinely heartwarming with relatable characters developing a companionship through a mutually shared interest. Also present is the serene musical accompaniment highlighting Japan’s most scenic views. Some places mentioned include Mount Tenran, Mount Takao, Hanno River Beach, Tokyo SkyTree, Nagano, Mount Takabotchi, Lake Shibileko, and of course Japan’s gem, Mount Fuji. After seeing these examples of Japan’s vast greenery and grand landscapes in Yuru Camp and Yama no Susume, we are very appreciative of the work nature conservationists do to preserve the country’s wildlife.
3. Don’t Forget to Pack the Kotatsu!
Probably one of the most genius items anime fans have encountered while watching their favorite series is the blessed kotatsu. The kotatsu is a staple piece of furniture in Japanese culture, mainly used in cold seasons for warmth. As we commonly see friends gather around the kotatsu during the winter, the girls in Yuru Camp and Yama no Susume experience the polar opposite, relying on heat packs and fires to keep them warm. The girls have picked up on their hobby during freezing and frigid weather. In this less than ideal setting, our girls make the most of their experience by huddling close to the campfire, eating hot pot, and drinking warm and refreshing tea. Topping things off, the girls stay in very tight quarters, as their small tents block out the elements for them to last the night.
Like Yama no Susume? Watch Sora yori mo Tooi Basho!
![Yuru-Camp-225x350 [Cute Adventure Anime Winter 2018] Like Yama no Susume? Watch This!](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sora-Yori-mo-Tooi-Basho-A-Place-further-than-the-Universe-300x450.jpg)
- Episodes: 13
- Aired: January 2018 - Ongoing
“What am I doing with my life?!” A question many of us ask and something that Mari Tamaki also wonders herself. Mari is filled with hopes and dreams but is scared to confront them, a barrier to pursuing many of her goals. With a change of heart and approaching her second year of high school, Mari is determined to do something with her life and not let her youth slip out of her hands while she can help it. Even though she still has anxieties, Mari meets someone else filled with the same aspirations as her, Shirase Kobuchizawa, and is super motivated to make things happen this year. Shirase Kobuchizawa has her motives for engaging in this trip to Antarctica with Hinata Miyake and Yuzuki Shiraishi later joining the duo. Together, they all embark on a grand journey.
Three Major Similarities Between Yama no Susume and Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
1. Dream Big, Sky’s the Limit
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho and Yama no Susume contain amazing young characters that lust for life, demonstrating an enormous craving for exploration. It is inspiring to see that these girls have developed this eagerness to see the world and what it has to offer. Fortunately, the girls fall back on incredibly supportive family and friends who want nothing more than for them to succeed. Their desires are contagious, and we can’t help but continue to watch on.
2. Beautiful, Bright, and Distinct Animation
Unlike the average, delicate, and subdued color palette we see in many anime currently airing, Sora yori mo Tooi Basho and Yama no Susume display a well-defined, extremely colorful, and unique animation style. Details are grossly exaggerated, but familiar in series with a slice of life element. Furthermore, action sequences are visually stimulating. There are never dull moments in either anime, providing an altogether enjoyable viewing experience.
3. Learning Experiences
Mari, Shirase, Hinata, and Yuzuki from Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, and Aoi, Hinata, Kaede, and Kokona from Yama no Susume have all caught the scent of adventure! Explicitly, the girls set their sights on some pretty hefty goals, such as Mount Fuji and Antarctica. When we think of these places, many of us imagine that each area is a tremendous challenge where training will take several months or even years! Honey-chan and the gang are totally game for new adventures, but with places like these, there is a lot to learn and prepare. So as these friends gear up for the long haul, it’s nice to know that their shared experiences are going to be unforgettable, providing life lessons.
Final Thoughts
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