The Innovative Rakugo Performer! Episodes: 13 Genre: Drama, Historical, Josei Airing Date: January 2016 – April 2016 Studio: Studio Deen ...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION People forget that there is a great genre out there that can really get into your mind, literally. The psychological genre allows creators the abi...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Oh harem romance, how we can’t get enough of you. Then when a harem manga series adds in supernatural elements, ac...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Horror has a tough job in the light novel world. Unlike a manga or anime, the author must somehow paint a terrifying picture with the use of...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: It seems like we've run into another delay as the team at NIS America has announced that Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle's release d...
Readmore900 years after the Armageddon, and the war between Vampires and Humans. The war ended with losses on both sides, and a cold war...
ReadmoreThe term mecha is taken from the Japanese way of shortening “mechanical,” and is a sub-category of the Science Fiction genre, which centers around giant r...
ReadmoreIntroduction Some people prioritise plot in anime, others prioritise characterisation. However, if you’re like me, your top priority might be the amount of eye candy and shipability between cha...
ReadmoreSome high school students go through something known as an “emo” phase. The image of what that person might look like is fairly universal – black or dark ...
ReadmoreAs probably all of you already know, “manhwa” is the Korean term for comics, corresponding to the Japanese term “manga”. Recently, Korean manhwa, either webtoon...
ReadmoreMen Can Engage In Evil, While Doing Good! Episodes: 13 Genre: Historical, Seinen Airing Date: January 2017 – April 2017 Producers: M2 ...
ReadmoreYes! I am a Goddess! Introduction Episodes: 10 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural Airing Date: Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016 Producer...
ReadmoreIntroduction We all know the isekai trope. It is something that is being heavily used by many an anime and many more an author. The main character, usually a loser by society's standards, is ...
ReadmoreGate: Jietai Kanochi nite, Kaku Takakaeri left an impression on just about anyone who has seen it. Sure, t...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Who doesn’t love a little action to get the blood boiling? The thrill of a fist fight between two legendary warriors or the struggle against evil ...
ReadmoreDrop into the cockpit of a six-story-high war machine System: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Steam Publisher: Skydance Developer: Skydance Release Date: Jul...
ReadmoreSince 1987, Street Fighter has been the face of the fighting game genre. However, the series wouldn’t take off around the world ...
ReadmoreIntroduction For those of you who like isekai anime, this is the article for you! It showcases all of the isekai anime that are coming summer 2017! What we have done here at Honey's Anime is p...
ReadmoreWarning: This article has some content unsuitable for all ages. If you are a minor, you can read another of our articles instead...
ReadmoreThe Ace Attorney series is so wonderfully creative with their game plots, well-crafted characters, and exciting subplots, but is there anything more enjoyable...
ReadmoreSurvival anime are those where our protagonists find themselves in a new – and totally different – situation. Possibly, in the new setting that our characte...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION The literature world isn’t a stranger to the fantasy genre. The ability to alter the real world or create an entire fictitious version from ...
ReadmoreBased off of the mobile, game Girl Friend Beta follows girls through their daily lives in High School. Shiina Kokomi is the lead...
ReadmoreSome of us may have experienced being the new kid once or twice and can agree that having “all eyes on you...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Comedy is definitely one of the hardest themes in any form of medium to execute. The reason being is that at the heart of the matter, comedy...
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