What can I say about Soul Calibur VI that hasn’t already been said about Hot Cheetos & Takis?! You can’t! The hype is real that it has me sitting in a rocking c...
ReadmoreWelcome back to Part 2 of the Sunrise Panel at Anime Expo 2018! Continuing on from our previous article about the panel—because it was lengthy and nice. F...
ReadmoreHoney’s Anime barely made the panel as it was one crazy event at Anime Expo this year. As everything seemed well organized, the lines were just long for b...
ReadmoreHoney’s Anime had the chance to check out Code Vein at the Bandai Namco booth at E3 2018 and the demo we played was NICE! Only able to play for a short ti...
ReadmoreThe Surge is back with Focus Home Entertainment's new iteration, The Surge 2! The direct sequel to the first title which will have you exploring more, fig...
ReadmoreNo words can describe how huge this new open world is for Dynasty Warriors 9! System: PS4, XB1, PC Publisher: Koei Tecmo Developer: Omega Force Release Date:...
ReadmoreWelcome to another special interview with Honey’s Anime! We were recently invited to check out 2 games from Koei Tecmo, where we also had the pleasure to interview Akihiro Suzuki-san, Omeg...
ReadmoreHighest Score in Slaying Titans? Let the Game Begins! System: NS, PS4, XB1, and PC. PS Vita (Japan Only) Publisher: Koei Tecmo Developer: Omega Force Releas...
ReadmoreHello and welcome again, to another Honey’s Anime Interview! In this interview, we were invited by Koei Tecmo to attend a special event hosted by Koei Tecmo at the Mystic Hotel in downtown S...
ReadmoreWelcome, Everyone, to Honey’s Anime’s first computer accessory product review. Today, we’re taking a look at Bloody’s gaming LK RGB Mechanical Keyboard, the B820R! First, le...
ReadmoreThey're finally here! The Honey's Anime Awards for 2016 results are officially out! Who's ready? I am!! There were so many great anime and characters last year, voting was really ha...
ReadmoreHappy holidays to all of our readers! It's officially time for the results of our Christmas poll! I can't wait to see who everyone picked as the characters they most want to spend xmas ...
ReadmoreHere it is, our latest poll! This one was a lot of fun, everyone's responses were hilarious! Seriously though, we all need to vent about our most hated anime characters sometimes....
ReadmoreSo, what makes someone good to go trick or treating with? Any anime character that's kind and fun to be around! Any anime character that's good eye candy... The anime ...
ReadmoreThe results are finally in, guys! I'm so excited to see what our readers voted for! There are so many great skills and special abilities out there in the anime world, it must have b...
ReadmoreOMG YASS.. BOYS FLEX FOR ME!! I...I'm surprised number two is not the best.. h-he's.. Honey-chan, who did you vote for? I voted for s-... wait it's a secret, okay!? ...
ReadmoreThis article was made for me! I could look at this list of moe anime girls forever... Okay, but don't do that! Come on, we want to know what you think about the ranking! We got lots...
ReadmoreCalm down ladies, I already know who's going to win. ME! Get out Bee-kun, you don't even like boys! Leave this one to the experts - our readers! I can't believe it's already ...
ReadmoreThis is the poll we've all been waiting for... Love me some sexy anime ladies! Who doesn't! Thanks to everyone who submitted their nominations and voted, we got such an amazing resp...
ReadmoreOh man, this was such a fun poll! It was great to see who everyone thought was terrible to look at! Yeah! We had so many great nominations, and the comments are hilarious! ...
ReadmoreThe results are finally in, and oh mannn are all of these characters useless! Of course! Our readers nominated them, after all! But the results are kind of surprising, don't you thi...
ReadmoreHello all, AnimeJapan @ Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan was this weekend, and we at Honey's Anime attended the event to see what was cooking up for a...
ReadmoreThe results are here! It was so great to find out which anime our readers are enjoying this season! I couldn't agree more! With you and the reader's choices, that is! Well ...
ReadmoreWow, what a turn out! It was so great to find out what our readers enjoy the most! Of course, they've all got great taste! I think most of the results were to be expected t...
ReadmoreA happy new year! pic.twitter.com/Zvcdpo5CSB— 真島ヒロ (@hiro_mashima) December 31, 2015 Hiro Mashima 明けましておめでとうございます!新年のお祝い&日頃の感謝を込め、キャラクターデザイン・岸田隆宏さんによる年賀状をお届けします!申年もハイキュー!!を何卒よろしくオネシャス!!(公式HP...